package neureka.backend.api;
import neureka.Neureka;
import neureka.Tensor;
import neureka.backend.api.ini.BackendLoader;
import neureka.backend.api.ini.BackendRegistry;
import neureka.backend.api.ini.ImplementationReceiver;
import neureka.backend.api.ini.LoadingContext;
import neureka.math.Function;
import neureka.math.FunctionCache;
import neureka.math.Functions;
import neureka.math.parsing.FunctionParser;
import neureka.math.parsing.ParseUtil;
import neureka.common.utility.LogUtil;
import neureka.devices.Device;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
* Instances of this class are execution contexts hosting {@link Operation} instances which receive {@link Tensor}
* instances for execution.
* {@link BackendContext}s are managed by {@link Neureka}, a (thread-local) Singleton / Multiton library context.<br>
* Contexts are cloneable for testing purposes and to enable extending the backend dynamically.
* A given instance also hosts a reference to a {@link Functions} instance which exposes commonly used
* pre-instantiated {@link Function} implementation instances.
* <br><br>
* The {@link BackendContext} initializes and stores {@link Operation} instances in various data structures
* for fast access and querying (Mostly used by the {@link ParseUtil} and {@link FunctionParser}).
* <br>
* {@link Operation}s are stored in simple list and map collections,
* namely: <br>
* The "_instances" list and the "_lookup" map as declared below.
* <br>
* <br>
* During class initialization concrete classes extending the {@link Operation} class
* are being instantiated in the static block below via a {@link ServiceLoader}.
* {@link BackendContext} instances expose a useful class called {@link Runner},
* which performs temporary context switching between the caller's context and this
* context during the execution of provided lambdas.
public final class BackendContext implements Cloneable
private static final Logger log = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(BackendContext.class);
private final Extensions _extensions = new Extensions();
* A mapping between OperationType identifiers and their corresponding instances.
private final Map<String, Operation> _lookup;
* A list of all OperationType instances.
private final List<Operation> _operations;
* The number of operation instances stored in this context.
private int _size;
// Global context and cache:
private final FunctionCache _functionCache = new FunctionCache();
private final LazyRef<Functions> _getAutogradFunction;
* This {@link Functions} instance wraps pre-instantiated
* {@link Function} instances which are configured to not track their computational history.
* This means that no computation graph will be built by these instances.
* ( Computation graphs in Neureka are made of instances of the "GraphNode" class... )
private final LazyRef<Functions> _getFunction;
* This creates a new context which is completely void of any {@link Operation} implementation instances.
* Use this constructor to test, debug, build and populate custom execution contexts.
public BackendContext()
_getAutogradFunction = LazyRef.of( () -> new Functions( true ) );
_getFunction = LazyRef.of( () -> new Functions( false ) );
_lookup = new HashMap<>();
_operations = new ArrayList<>();
_size = 0;
public void reset() {
for ( BackendExtension e : _extensions.getAll(BackendExtension.class) ) {
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.error("Error while resetting backend extension: " + e.getClass().getName(), ex);
* A {@link Runner} wraps both the called context as well as the context of the caller in order
* to perform temporary context switching during the execution of lambdas passed to the {@link Runner}.
* After a given lambda was executed successfully, the original context will be restored in the current
* thread local {@link Neureka} instance through the {@link Neureka#setBackend(BackendContext)}) method.
* @return A lambda {@link Runner} which performs temporary context switching between the caller's context and this context.
public Runner runner() { return new Runner( this, Neureka.get().backend() ); }
* This method returns an unmodifiable view of the mapping between the {@link Operation#getIdentifier()} / {@link Operation#getOperator()} properties
* and the {@link Operation} implementation instances to which they belong.
* Query operations on the returned map "read through" to the specified map,
* and attempts to modify the returned map, whether direct or via its collection views,
* result in an {@link UnsupportedOperationException}.
* @return An unmodifiable mapping of {@link Operation} properties to the {@link Operation} instances to which they belong.
public Map<String, Operation> getOperationLookupMap() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap( _lookup ); }
* This method returns an unmodifiable view of the
* list of {@link Operation} implementation instances managed by this context.
* Query operations on the returned map "read through" to the specified map,
* and attempts to modify the returned map, whether direct or via its collection views,
* result in an {@link UnsupportedOperationException}.
* @return An unmodifiable view of the list of {@link Operation} implementation instances managed by this context
public List<Operation> getOperations() { return Collections.unmodifiableList( _operations); }
* @return The number of {@link Operation} instances stored on this {@link BackendContext}.
public int size() { return _size; }
* @return The {@link Function} and {@link Tensor} cache of this {@link BackendContext}
public FunctionCache getFunctionCache() { return _functionCache; }
* This method returns a {@link Functions} instance which wraps pre-instantiated
* {@link Function} instances which are configured to not track their computational history.
* This means that no computation graph will be built by these instances.
* ( Computation graphs in Neureka are made of instances of the {@link neureka.autograd.GraphNode} class... )
public Functions getFunction() { return _getFunction.get(); }
* This method returns a {@link Functions} instance which wraps pre-instantiated
* {@link Function} instances which are configured to track their computational history.
* This means that a computation graph will be built by these instances.
* ( Computation graphs in Neureka are made of instances of the {@link neureka.autograd.GraphNode} class... )
* @return A container object which exposes various types of functions with autograd support.
public Functions getAutogradFunction() { return _getAutogradFunction.get(); }
* This method registers {@link Operation} implementation instances in this {@link BackendContext}
* which is the thread local execution context receiving and processing {@link Tensor} instances... <br><br>
* @param operation The {@link Operation} instance which ought to be registered as part of this execution context.
* @return This very context instance to allow for method chaining.
public BackendContext addOperation(Operation operation )
_operations.add( operation );
String function = operation.getIdentifier();
String operator = operation.getOperator();
assert !_lookup.containsKey( operator );
assert !_lookup.containsKey( function );
_lookup.put( operator, operation );
_lookup.put( function, operation );
_lookup.put( operator.toLowerCase(), operation );
return this;
* @param operation The {@link Operation} which may or may not be part of this {@link BackendContext}.
* @return The truth value determining if the provided {@link Operation} is part of this {@link BackendContext}.
public boolean hasOperation( Operation operation ) {
return _lookup.containsKey( operation.getIdentifier() );
* @param operationIdentifier The {@link Operation} identifier which may be the function name or operator if present.
* @return The truth value determining if the provided {@link Operation} is part of this {@link BackendContext}.
public boolean hasOperation( String operationIdentifier ) {
return _lookup.containsKey( operationIdentifier );
* This method queries the operations in this {@link BackendContext}
* by a provided index integer targeting an entry in the list of {@link Operation} implementation instances
* sitting in this execution context.
* @param index The index of the operation.
* @return The found Operation instance or null.
public Operation getOperation( int index ) { return _operations.get( index ); }
* This method queries the operations in this BackendContext
* by a provided identifier which has to match the name of
* an existing operation.
* @param identifier The operation identifier, aka: its name.
* @return The requested Operation or null.
public Operation getOperation( String identifier ) { return _lookup.getOrDefault( identifier, null ); }
* This method produces a shallow copy of this {@link BackendContext}.
* This is useful for debugging, testing and extending contexts during runtime without side effects! <br>
* @return A shallow copy of this operation / execution context.
public BackendContext clone()
BackendContext clone = new BackendContext();
clone._size = _size;
clone._lookup.putAll( _lookup );
clone._operations.addAll( _operations );
return clone;
public String toString() {
return getClass().getSimpleName()+"[size=" + this.size() + "]";
* Checks if this context has an instance of the provided {@link BackendExtension} type.
* @param extensionClass The type class of the extensions whose presents should be checked.
* @param <E> The type parameter of the provided type class which requires the type to be an extension.
* @return The truth value determining if the provided type is present.
public <E extends BackendExtension> boolean has( Class<E> extensionClass ) {
return _extensions.has( extensionClass );
* Returns an {@link Optional} instance of the provided {@link BackendExtension} type
* or an empty {@link Optional} if no extension of that type was found.
public <E extends BackendExtension> Optional<E> find( Class<E> componentClass ) {
return _extensions.find( componentClass );
* @return A list of all {@link BackendExtension} instances.
public List<BackendExtension> getExtensions() {
return _extensions.getAll( BackendExtension.class );
private class Registered<D extends Device<?>> {
final Class<? extends Operation> operationType;
final Class<? extends DeviceAlgorithm> algorithmType;
final Class<? extends D> deviceType;
final java.util.function.Function<LoadingContext, ImplementationFor<D>> function;
private Registered(Class<? extends Operation> operationType, Class<? extends DeviceAlgorithm> algorithmType, Class<? extends D> deviceType, java.util.function.Function<LoadingContext, ImplementationFor<D>> function) {
this.operationType = operationType;
this.algorithmType = algorithmType;
this.deviceType = deviceType;
this.function = function;
* Registers the provided {@link BackendExtension} instance
* which can then be accessed via {@link #find(Class)}.
* @param extension The backend extension component which ought to be stored by this.
* @return This very {@link BackendContext} instance to allow for method chaining.
public BackendContext set( BackendExtension extension )
LogUtil.nullArgCheck( extension, "extension", BackendExtension.class );
BackendLoader loader = extension.getLoader();
LogUtil.nullArgCheck( loader, "loader", BackendLoader.class );
// Now before adding the extension to the backend we first try to load all the implementations:
List<Registered<?>> registeredList = new ArrayList<>();
new ImplementationReceiver() {
public <D extends Device<?>> void accept(
Class<? extends Operation> operationType,
Class<? extends DeviceAlgorithm> algorithmType,
Class<? extends D> deviceType,
java.util.function.Function<LoadingContext, ImplementationFor<D>> function
) {
registeredList.add(new Registered<>(operationType, algorithmType, deviceType, function));
int count = 0;
for ( Registered<?> registered : registeredList )
count += _register( registered ) ? 1 : 0;
count = registeredList.size() - count;
if ( count != 0 )
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Failed to register "+count+" implementations for extension of type '"+extension.getClass().getSimpleName()+"'."
_extensions.set( extension );
return this;
private boolean _register( Registered<?> registered ) {
for ( Operation o : _operations ) {
if ( o.getClass().equals( registered.operationType ) ) {
for ( Algorithm a : o.getAllAlgorithms() ) {
// We make sure it is a device algorithm:
if ( a instanceof DeviceAlgorithm ) {
DeviceAlgorithm da = (DeviceAlgorithm) a;
if ( registered.algorithmType.isAssignableFrom(da.getClass()) ) {
registered.function.apply(new LoadingContext() {
@Override public String getAlgorithmName() { return da.getName(); }
@Override public String getOperationIdentidier() { return o.getIdentifier(); }
return true;
return false;
* This is a very simple class with a single purpose, namely
* it exposes methods which receive lambda instances in order to then execute them
* in a given {@link BackendContext}, just to then switch back to the original context again.
* Switching a context simply means that the {@link BackendContext} which produced this {@link Runner}
* will temporarily be set as execution context for the current thread
* local {@link Neureka} instance. <br><br>
* A {@link Runner} wraps both the called context as well as the context of the caller in order
* to perform this temporary context switching throughout the execution of the lambdas passed to the {@link Runner}.
* After a given lambda was executed, the original context will be restored in the current thread
* local {@link Neureka} instance through the {@link Neureka#setBackend(BackendContext)}) method.
public static class Runner
private final BackendContext originalContext;
private final BackendContext visitedContext;
private Runner(BackendContext visited, BackendContext originalContext ) {
if ( visited == originalContext ) log.warn("Context runner encountered two identical contexts!");
this.originalContext = originalContext;
this.visitedContext = visited;
* Use this method to supply a lambda which will be executed in the {@link BackendContext}
* which produced this very {@link Runner} instance.
* After the lambda finished execution successfully the original {@link BackendContext} will
* be restored for the current thread local {@link Neureka} instance.
* @param contextSpecificAction The context specific action which will be execute in the {@link BackendContext} which produced this {@link Runner}.
* @return This very {@link Runner} instance to enable method chaining.
public Runner run( Runnable contextSpecificAction ) {
Neureka.get().setBackend( visitedContext );;
Neureka.get().setBackend( originalContext );
return this;
* Use this method to supply a lambda which will be executed in the {@link BackendContext}
* which produced this very {@link Runner} instance.
* After the lambda finished execution successfully the original {@link BackendContext} will be restored.
* This method distinguishes itself from the {@link #run(Runnable)} method because the
* lambda supplied to this method is expected to return something.
* What may be returned is up to the user, one might want to return the result
* of a tensor operation which might be exclusively available in the used context.
* @param contextSpecificAction The context specific action which will be execute in the {@link BackendContext} which produced this {@link Runner}.
* @param <T> The return type of the supplied context action which will also be returned by this method.
* @return The result of the supplied context action.
public <T> T runAndGet( Supplier<T> contextSpecificAction ) {
Neureka.get().setBackend( visitedContext );
T result = contextSpecificAction.get();
Neureka.get().setBackend( originalContext );
return result;
* Use this method to supply a lambda which will be executed in the {@link BackendContext}
* which produced this very {@link Runner} instance.
* After the lambda finished execution successfully the original {@link BackendContext} will be restored.
* This method distinguishes itself from the {@link #run(Runnable)} method because the
* lambda supplied to this method is expected to return something. <br>
* What may be returned is up to the user, one might want to return the result
* of a tensor operation which might be exclusively available in the used context.
* This method is doing the exact same thing as the {@link #runAndGet(Supplier)} method,
* however its name is shorter and it can even be omitted entirely when using Groovy. <br><br>
* @param contextSpecificAction The context specific action which will be execute in the {@link BackendContext} which produced this {@link Runner}.
* @param <T> The return type of the supplied context action which will also be returned by this method.
* @return The result of the supplied context action.
public <T> T call( Supplier<T> contextSpecificAction ) {
return runAndGet( contextSpecificAction );
* Use this method to supply a lambda which will be executed in the {@link BackendContext}
* which produced this very {@link Runner} instance.
* After the lambda finished execution successfully the original {@link BackendContext} will be restored.
* This method distinguishes itself from the {@link #run(Runnable)} method because the
* lambda supplied to this method is expected to return something. <br>
* What may be returned is up to the user, one might want to return the result
* of a tensor operation which might be exclusively available in the used context.
* This method is doing the exact same thing as the {@link #runAndGet(Supplier)} method,
* however its name is shorter and it can even be omitted entirely when using Kotlin. <br><br>
* @param contextSpecificAction The context specific action which will be execute in the {@link BackendContext} which produced this {@link Runner}.
* @param <T> The return type of the supplied context action which will also be returned by this method.
* @return The result of the supplied context action.
public <T> T invoke( Supplier<T> contextSpecificAction ) {
return call( contextSpecificAction );