package neureka.backend.api;

import neureka.Tensor;
import neureka.math.args.Arg;
import neureka.math.args.Args;
import neureka.common.utility.LogUtil;
import neureka.devices.Device;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.function.Function;

 *  Instances of this class model simple execution calls to the backend.
 *  They can be passed to {@link neureka.math.Function} instances in order to get full
 *  control over the execution via the use of call {@link Args}.
 *  This class is the precursor class of {@link ExecutionCall} which is a more complete
 *  execution state bundle used inside the backend.
 * @param <D> The type parameter which defines the {@link Device} targeted by this {@link Call}.
public class Call<D>
     *  This field references the device on which this ExecutionCall should be executed.
    protected final D _device;
     *  Meta arguments which are usually specific to certain operations.
    protected final Args _arguments = new Args();

     *  The tensor arguments from which an operation will either
     *  read or to which it will write. <br>
     *  The first entry of this array is usually containing the output tensor,
     *  however this is not a necessity.
     *  Some operation algorithms might use multiple argument entries as output tensors.
    protected final Tensor<?>[] _inputs;

    public static <V, T extends Device<V>> Call.Builder<V,T> to( T device ) { return new Builder<V,T>( device ); }

    protected Call(Tensor<?>[] tensors, D device, List<Arg> arguments ) {
        LogUtil.nullArgCheck( tensors, "tensors", Tensor[].class );
        LogUtil.nullArgCheck( arguments, "arguments", List.class );
        LogUtil.nullArgCheck( device, "device", Device.class );
        _inputs = tensors.clone();
        _device = device;
        for ( Arg<?> arg : arguments ) _arguments.set(arg);

     * @return The device targeted by this call for execution.
    public D getDevice() { return _device; }

     * @return The {@link Tensor} parameters of this {@link Call} for execution.
    public Tensor<?>[] inputs() { return _inputs.clone(); }

     * @return The number of input tensors.
    public int arity() { return _inputs.length; }

     * @param i The index of the tensor argument which should be returned.
     * @return The {@code i}'th {@link Tensor} parameter of this {@link Call} for execution.
    public Tensor<?> input(int i ) { return _inputs[ i ]; }

    public void rearrangeInputs( int... indices ) {
        LogUtil.nullArgCheck( indices, "indices", int[].class );
        Tensor<?>[] tensors = _inputs.clone();
        for ( int i = 0; i < indices.length; i++ ) {
            _inputs[i] = tensors[indices[i]];

    public <T> Device<T> getDeviceFor( Class<T> supportCheck ) {
        LogUtil.nullArgCheck( supportCheck, "supportCheck", Class.class );
        // TODO: Make it possible to query device for type support!
        return (Device<T>) this.getDevice();

    public List<Arg> allMetaArgs() {
        return _arguments.getAll(Arg.class).stream().map( a -> (Arg<Object>) a ).collect(Collectors.toList());

    public <V, T extends Arg<V>> T get( Class<T> argumentClass ) {
        LogUtil.nullArgCheck( argumentClass, "argumentClass", Class.class );
        return _arguments.get(argumentClass);

    public <V, T extends Arg<V>> V getValOf( Class<T> argumentClass ) {
        LogUtil.nullArgCheck( argumentClass, "argumentClass", Class.class );
        return _arguments.valOf(argumentClass);

    public int getDerivativeIndex() { return this.getValOf( Arg.DerivIdx.class ); }

    public  <V> Tensor<V> input(Class<V> valueTypeClass, int i ) {
        Tensor<?>[] inputs = _inputs;
        if ( valueTypeClass == null ) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "The provided tensor type class is null!\n" +
                            "Type safe access to the tensor parameter at index '"+i+"' failed."
        if ( inputs[ i ] != null ) {
            Class<?> tensorTypeClass = inputs[ i ].getItemType();
            if ( !valueTypeClass.isAssignableFrom(tensorTypeClass) ) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "The item value type of the tensor stored at parameter position '"+i+"' is " +
                    "'"+tensorTypeClass.getSimpleName()+"' and is not a sub-type of the provided " +
                    "type '"+valueTypeClass.getSimpleName()+"'."
        return (Tensor<V>) inputs[ i ];

    public Validator validate() { return new Validator(); }

    public static class Builder<V, T extends Device<V>>
        private final T _device;
        private Tensor<V>[] _tensors;
        private final Args _arguments = Args.of( Arg.DerivIdx.of(-1), Arg.VarIdx.of(-1) );

        private Builder( T device ) { _device = device; }

        public final <N extends V> Builder<V,T> with( Tensor<N>... tensors ) {
            LogUtil.nullArgCheck( tensors, "tensors", Tensor[].class );
            _tensors = (Tensor<V>[]) tensors;
            return this;

        public Builder<V,T> andArgs( List<Arg> arguments ) {
            LogUtil.nullArgCheck( arguments, "arguments", List.class );
            for ( Arg<?> argument : arguments ) _arguments.set(argument);
            return this;

        public Builder<V,T> andArgs( Arg<?>... arguments ) {
            LogUtil.nullArgCheck( arguments, "arguments", Arg[].class );
            return andArgs(;

        public Call<T> get() { return new Call<T>( _tensors, _device, _arguments.getAll( Arg.class ) ); }


    public interface Else<T> { T orElse(T value); }

     *  This is a simple nested class offering various lambda based methods
     *  for validating the tensor arguments stored inside this {@link ExecutionCall}.
     *  It is a useful tool readable as well as concise validation of a given
     *  request for execution, that is primarily used inside implementations of the middle
     *  layer of the backend-API architecture ({@link Algorithm#isSuitableFor(ExecutionCall)}).
    public class Validator
        private boolean _isValid = true;

        public boolean isValid() { return _isValid; }

        public <T> Else<T> ifValid( T value ) {
            if ( isValid() ) return other -> value;
            else return other -> other;

         *  The validity as float being &#62;0/true and 0/false.
         *  If the {@link Call} is valid then a suitability estimation of 0.9f
         *  will be returned simply because a suitability of 1 would mean
         *  that no other algorithm could ever compete with this one if if was
         *  faster or simply better suited!
         * @return The current validity of this Validator as float value.
        public float basicSuitability() { return suitabilityIfValid( SuitabilityPredicate.GOOD ); }

        public float suitabilityIfValid( float estimationIfValid ) {
            return ( _isValid ? estimationIfValid : SuitabilityPredicate.UNSUITABLE );

        public Estimator getEstimator() { return new Estimator( _isValid ); }

        public Validator first( TensorCondition condition ) {
            LogUtil.nullArgCheck( condition, "condition", TensorCondition.class );
            if ( _isValid && !condition.check( input( 0 ) ) ) _isValid = false;
            return this;

        public Validator last( TensorCondition condition ) {
            LogUtil.nullArgCheck( condition, "condition", TensorCondition.class );
            if ( _isValid && !condition.check( input( arity() - 1 ) ) ) _isValid = false;
            return this;

        public Validator tensors( TensorsCondition condition ) {
            LogUtil.nullArgCheck( condition, "condition", TensorCondition.class );
            if ( _isValid && !condition.check(_inputs) ) _isValid = false;
            return this;

        public Validator any( TensorCondition condition ) {
            LogUtil.nullArgCheck( condition, "condition", TensorCondition.class );
            if ( _isValid && !_anyMatch( condition ) ) _isValid = false;
            return this;

        private boolean _anyMatch( TensorCondition condition ) {
            boolean any = false;
            for ( Tensor<?> t : _inputs) any = condition.check( t ) || any;
            return any;

        public Validator anyNotNull( TensorCondition condition ) {
            LogUtil.nullArgCheck( condition, "condition", TensorCondition.class );
            if ( !_anyNotNullMatch( condition ) ) _isValid = false;
            return this;

        private boolean _anyNotNullMatch( TensorCondition condition ) {
            boolean any = false;
            for ( Tensor<?> t : _inputs)
                if ( t != null ) any = condition.check( t ) || any;
            return any;

        public Validator all( TensorCondition condition ) {
            LogUtil.nullArgCheck( condition, "condition", TensorCondition.class );
            if ( !_allMatch( condition ) ) _isValid = false;
            return this;

        public Validator allNotNullHaveSame( TensorProperty propertySource ) {
            LogUtil.nullArgCheck( propertySource, "propertySource", TensorProperty.class );
            if ( !_allHaveSame( propertySource ) ) _isValid = false;
            return this;

        private boolean _allHaveSame( TensorProperty propertySource ) {
            LogUtil.nullArgCheck( propertySource, "propertySource", TensorProperty.class );
            Object last = null;
            boolean firstWasSet = false;
            for ( Tensor<?> t : inputs() ) {
                if ( t != null ) {
                    Object current = propertySource.propertyOf(t);
                    if ( !Objects.equals(last, current) && firstWasSet )
                        return false;
                    last = current; // Note: shapes are cached!
                    firstWasSet = true;
            return true;

        private boolean _allMatch( TensorCondition condition ) {
            boolean all = true;
            for ( Tensor<?> t : _inputs) all = condition.check( t ) && all;
            return all;

        public Validator allNotNull( TensorCondition condition ) {
            LogUtil.nullArgCheck( condition, "condition", TensorCondition.class );
            if ( _isValid && !_allNotNullMatch( condition ) ) _isValid = false;
            return this;

        private boolean _allNotNullMatch( TensorCondition condition )
            boolean all = true;
            for ( Tensor<?> t : _inputs)
                if ( t != null ) all = condition.check( t ) && all;
            return all;

        public Validator all( TensorCompare compare ) {
            LogUtil.nullArgCheck( compare, "compare", TensorCompare.class );
            if ( _isValid && !_allMatch( compare ) ) _isValid = false;
            return this;

        private boolean _allMatch( TensorCompare compare ) {
            boolean all = true;
            Tensor<?> last = null;
            for ( Tensor<?> current : _inputs) {
                if ( last != null && !compare.check( last, current ) ) all = false;
                last = current; // Note: shapes are cached!
            return all;

        public <T> Validator allShare( Function<Tensor<?>, T> propertyProvider ) {
            LogUtil.nullArgCheck( propertyProvider, "propertyProvider", Function.class );
            T first = null;
            for ( Tensor<?> t : _inputs ) {
                if ( t != null ) {
                    T found = propertyProvider.apply( t );
                    if ( first == null && found != null ) first = found;
                    else if ( first != null ) {
                        if ( !first.equals(found) ) {
                            _isValid = false;
                            return this;
            return this;

        public class Estimator {

            private float _estimation;

            public Estimator( boolean isValid ) {
                _estimation = ( isValid ? SuitabilityPredicate.OKAY : SuitabilityPredicate.UNSUITABLE );

            private void _mod( float f ) {
                f = Math.max( -1f, f );
                f = Math.min(  1f, f );
                _estimation *= ( 1 + ( f * ( 1 - _estimation ) ) );

            public Estimator goodIfAll( TensorCondition condition ) { if ( _allMatch( condition ) ) _mod(0.5f); return this; }

            public Estimator badIfAll( TensorCondition condition ) { if ( _allMatch( condition ) ) _mod(-0.5f); return this; }

            public Estimator goodIfAnyNonNull( TensorCondition condition ) { return goodIfAny( t -> t != null && condition.check(t) ); }

            public Estimator goodIfAny( TensorCondition condition ) { if ( _anyMatch( condition ) ) _mod(0.5f); return this; }

            public Estimator badIfAnyNonNull( TensorCondition condition ) { return badIfAny( t -> t != null && condition.check(t) ); }

            public Estimator badIfAny( TensorCondition condition ) { if ( _anyMatch( condition ) ) _mod(-0.5f); return this; }

            public Estimator goodIfAll( TensorCompare condition ) { if ( _allMatch( condition ) ) _mod(0.5f); return this; }

            public Estimator badIfAll( TensorCompare condition ) { if ( _allMatch( condition ) ) _mod(-0.5f); return this; }

            public float getEstimation() { return _estimation; }


    public interface TensorProperty     { Object  propertyOf( Tensor<?> tensor ); }
    public interface TensorCompare      { boolean check(Tensor<?> first, Tensor<?> second ); }
    public interface TensorsCondition   { boolean check( Tensor<?>[] tensors ); }
    public interface TensorCondition    { boolean check( Tensor<?> tensor ); }
    public interface DeviceCondition    { boolean check( Device<?> device ); }
    public interface OperationCondition { boolean check( Operation type ); }
