package neureka.backend.main.algorithms;

import neureka.Neureka;
import neureka.Tensor;
import neureka.autograd.ADAction;
import neureka.backend.api.AutoDiffMode;
import neureka.backend.api.ExecutionCall;
import neureka.backend.api.Result;
import neureka.backend.api.template.algorithms.AbstractDeviceAlgorithm;
import neureka.backend.api.template.algorithms.AbstractFunDeviceAlgorithm;
import neureka.devices.Device;
import neureka.math.Function;
import neureka.math.args.Arg;
import neureka.ndim.config.NDConfiguration;
import neureka.ndim.config.types.simple.Simple1DConfiguration;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

public class DotProductAlgorithm extends AbstractFunDeviceAlgorithm<DotProductAlgorithm>
    static Logger _LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DotProductAlgorithm.class);

    public DotProductAlgorithm() {
            call -> call.validate()
                    .allNotNull( t -> Number.class.isAssignableFrom(t.getItemType()) )
                    .allNotNull( t -> t.shape().count( d -> d > 1 ) <= 1 )
                    .goodIfAnyNonNull( t -> t.getNDConf() instanceof Simple1DConfiguration)
                    .getEstimation() * 1.1f
        setAutogradModeFor( call -> AutoDiffMode.BACKWARD_ONLY );
            (function, call) -> {
                call = _prepare( call );
                    Result.of(AbstractDeviceAlgorithm.executeDeviceAlgorithm( call ))
                    .withAutoDiff( (Function f, ExecutionCall<? extends Device<?>> adCall ) ->
                        if ( adCall.autogradMode().allowsForward() )
                            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Dot product does not support forward-AD!");
                        Function mul = Neureka.get().backend().getFunction().mul();
                        int d = ( 1 + adCall.getValOf( Arg.DerivIdx.class ) ) % 2;
                        Tensor<?> derivative = Util.transpose(adCall.input( d )).deepCopy().mut().setIsIntermediate( true ); // We need to clone it to make it have a simple nd configuration...
                        return ADAction.of( target -> mul.execute( target.error(), derivative ) );
        setCallPreparation( c -> c );

    private static ExecutionCall<Device<Object>> _prepare( ExecutionCall call )
        assert call.arity() <= 3;
        if ( call.arity() == 2 ) call = call.withAddedInputAt(0, null);

        call = _withDimTrim( call );

        if ( call.input( 0 ) == null ) // Creating a new tensor:
            call = _withNewOutput( call );

        return (ExecutionCall<Device<Object>>) _autoClone( call );

    private static ExecutionCall<?> _withDimTrim( ExecutionCall<?> call ) {
        Tensor<?> a = call.input( 0 );
        Tensor<?> b = call.input( 1 );
        Tensor<?> c = call.input( 2 );
        Function dimTrim = Neureka.get().backend().getAutogradFunction().dimTrim();
        if ( a != null && a.rank() > 1 ) call = call.withInputAt( 0, dimTrim.execute( a ).deepClone() );
        if ( b != null && b.rank() > 1 ) call = call.withInputAt( 1, dimTrim.execute( b ).deepClone() );
        if ( c != null && c.rank() > 1 ) call = call.withInputAt( 2, dimTrim.execute( c ).deepClone() );
        return call;

    private static ExecutionCall<?> _withNewOutput( ExecutionCall<?> call )
        Class<Number> type = (Class<Number>) call.input(  1 ).getDataType().getItemTypeClass();

        Tensor<Number> output = Tensor.of( type ).withShape( 1 ).all( 0 ).mut().setIsIntermediate( true );

        call = _checkAndPrepareLayout( call, output );

        call.getDeviceFor(Number.class).store( output );
        return call.withInputAt( 0, output );

    private static ExecutionCall<?> _checkAndPrepareLayout( ExecutionCall<?> call, Tensor<?> c )
        Tensor<?> a = call.input( 1 );
        Tensor<?> b = call.input( 2 );
        // We need to make sure that the vectors have a common/compatible layout,
        // ..before we can do the actual a . b = c dot product!
        NDConfiguration.Layout layoutA = a.getNDConf().getLayout();
        NDConfiguration.Layout layoutB = b.getNDConf().getLayout();
        NDConfiguration.Layout layoutC = c.getNDConf().getLayout();

        boolean aIsCompatible = isSymmetric( layoutA );
        boolean bIsCompatible = isSymmetric( layoutB );
            Symmetric means that the tensor can either be interpreted as a row vector or a column vector.
            Row major means that items are stored in a row-wise fashion
            and column major means that items are stored in a column-wise fashion.
            A vector can be interpreted as a row vector or a column vector and thus is symmetric.

        if ( aIsCompatible ) {
            b = _toInline( b, layoutA );
            layoutC = layoutA;
        } else if ( bIsCompatible ) {
            a = _toInline( a, layoutB );
            layoutC = layoutB;
        } else {
            // Ok so the inputs are unspecific (or RM or CM)
            // So we just need to decide on any valid layout really:
            layoutC = isSymmetric(layoutC) ? layoutC : NDConfiguration.Layout.SYMMETRIC;

            b = _toInline( b, layoutA );
            a = _toInline( a, layoutB );
        c.mut().toLayout( layoutC );
        c.mut().setIsVirtual( false ); // This statement is after the layout conversion for performance reasons (virtual tensors barely need copying).

        return call.withInputAt( 1, a ).withInputAt( 2, b );

    private static Tensor<?> _toInline(Tensor<?> t, NDConfiguration.Layout targetLayout ) {
        Function relayout = Neureka.get().backend().getFunction().relayout();
        if ( t.isVirtual() ) {
            t = t.deepCopy().mut().setIsVirtual(false);
            if ( targetLayout != NDConfiguration.Layout.SYMMETRIC && targetLayout != NDConfiguration.Layout.UNSPECIFIC )
                t = t.mut().toLayout(targetLayout); // We choose a valid layout based on a
        } else
            t = relayout.with(Arg.Layout.of(targetLayout)).call( t ); // We choose a valid layout based on a
        return t;

    private static boolean isSymmetric( NDConfiguration.Layout layout ) {
        return layout == NDConfiguration.Layout.SYMMETRIC;

     *  This method will clone {@link Tensor} instances if they do not
     *  possess a simple {@link neureka.ndim.config.NDConfiguration}.
     *  This is usually the case when they are slices or permuted views on data...
     *  The reason for this is simply that we need inline data for the OpenCL/CPU kernels!
     * @param call The execution call whose tensors ought to be cloned based on the complexity of their access patterns.
    private static ExecutionCall<?> _autoClone( ExecutionCall<?> call ) {
        for (int i = 0; i < call.arity(); i++ ) {
            if (
                    !_isSimpleSymmetric( call.input( i ) )
                    call.input( i ).isPartialSlice()
            ) {
                _LOG.debug("Auto cloning a tensor which does not have a simple symmetric ND configuration...");
                call = call.withInputAt( i, call.input( i ).deepCopy().mut().setIsIntermediate( true ) );
                    The user should do cloning explicitly because using slices
                    will cause the backend to perform auto cloning every time the
                    slice is being used for operations like this one...
        return call;

    private static boolean _isSimpleSymmetric( Tensor<?> t ) {
        return t.rank() == 1 && t.getNDConf().getLayout() == NDConfiguration.Layout.SYMMETRIC;
