package neureka.backend.main.operations.linear;
import neureka.Neureka;
import neureka.Shape;
import neureka.Tensor;
import neureka.autograd.ADAction;
import neureka.backend.api.AutoDiffMode;
import neureka.backend.api.ExecutionCall;
import neureka.backend.api.Result;
import neureka.backend.api.template.algorithms.AbstractDeviceAlgorithm;
import neureka.backend.api.template.operations.AbstractOperation;
import neureka.backend.api.template.operations.OperationBuilder;
import neureka.backend.main.algorithms.NDConvolution;
import neureka.backend.main.operations.ConvUtil;
import neureka.math.Function;
import neureka.math.args.Arg;
import neureka.math.parsing.FunctionParser;
import neureka.devices.Device;
public class Convolution extends AbstractOperation
public Convolution()
new OperationBuilder()
.identifier( "mul_conv" )
.operator( "x" )
.arity( 2 )
.isOperator( true )
.isIndexer( false )
.isDifferentiable( true )
.isInline( false )
new NDConvolution()
.setAutogradModeFor( call -> {
if ( call.getOperation().supports( NDConvolution.class ) ) return AutoDiffMode.BACKWARD_ONLY;
Tensor<?> last = null;
for ( Tensor<?> t : call.inputs() ) {
if ( last != null && !last.shape().equals(t.shape()) ) return AutoDiffMode.BACKWARD_ONLY;
last = t; // Note: shapes are cached!
(outerCaller, outerCall) ->
call ->
.withAutoDiff(( Function f, ExecutionCall<? extends Device<?>> adCall ) ->
int d = adCall.getDerivativeIndex();
Function deConv = new FunctionParser( Neureka.get().backend() ).parse(
"I[ 0 ] x>> I[ 1 ] x>> I[ 2 ]",
Tensor<?> derivative = f.derive( (Tensor[]) adCall.inputs(), d );
assert d >= 0 && d <= 1;
assert derivative != null;
assert deConv != null;
assert adCall.arity() >= 2 && adCall.arity() <= 3;
// Now we need to remember the shape of the input which is targeted for back prop.
Shape shape = Shape.of(adCall.input( adCall.arity() > 2 ? d + 1 : d ).getNDConf().shape());
Number zero;
if ( derivative.getItemType() == Double.class ) zero = 0d;
else if ( derivative.getItemType() == Float.class ) zero = 0f;
else if ( derivative.getItemType() == Integer.class ) zero = 0;
else if ( derivative.getItemType() == Long.class ) zero = 0L;
else if ( derivative.getItemType() == Short.class ) zero = (short) 0;
else if ( derivative.getItemType() == Byte.class ) zero = (byte) 0;
else {
zero = null;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported item type for convolution derivative: " + derivative.getItemType());
// This is because it will be the shape of the output to the de-convolution!
return ADAction.of( target ->
Tensor.of(shape, zero).mut().setIsIntermediate( false )
call -> {
if ( call.arity() <= 2 ) call = call.withAddedInputAt( 0, null );
Device<Number> device = call.getDeviceFor(Number.class);
Shape shp = ConvUtil.shapeOfCon(call.input( 1 ).getNDConf().shape(), call.input( 2 ).getNDConf().shape());
Tensor<Number> output = (Tensor<Number>) Tensor.of( call.input(1).getItemType(), shp, 0 )
.setIsIntermediate( true );
output.mut().setIsVirtual( false );
// output );//Todo: find out why this causes problems
return call.withInputAt( 0, output );
public Result execute( final Function caller, final ExecutionCall<?> call )
if ( !caller.isFlat() ) {
Function reducedCaller = reducePairwise(caller);
ExecutionCall<?> flatCall = AbstractDeviceAlgorithm.flatten( reducedCaller, call.withArgs(Arg.DerivIdx.of(-1)) );
Function flat = new FunctionParser(Neureka.get().backend()).parse( flatCall.getOperation(), flatCall.arity(), true );
for ( Tensor<?> t : flatCall.inputs() ) if ( t != null ) t.mut().setIsIntermediate(false);
return this.execute( flat, flatCall );
if ( call.getDerivativeIndex() >= 0 ) {
int d = call.getDerivativeIndex();
In autograd convolution is similar to matrix multiplication.
If the derivative index is 0 then the second operand is used for backward broadcasting.
If the derivative index is 1 then the first operand is used for backward broadcasting.
return Result.of( call.input( d == 0 ? 1 : 0 ) );
Function reducedCaller = reducePairwise(caller);
ExecutionCall<?> flatCall = AbstractDeviceAlgorithm.flatten( reducedCaller, call.withArgs(Arg.DerivIdx.of(-1)) );
Function flat = new FunctionParser(Neureka.get().backend()).parse( flatCall.getOperation(), flatCall.arity(), true );
for ( Tensor<?> t : flatCall.inputs() ) if ( t != null ) t.mut().setIsIntermediate(false);
return super.execute( flat, flatCall );
private Function reducePairwise( final Function fun ) {
Function reduced = fun;
if ( reduced.getSubFunctions().size() > 2 ) {
So currently we have something like this: a x b x c x d...
However, this is how it is really executed: ((((a x b) x c) x d)..) let's create a function that is nested like the above:
Function nested = reduced.getSubFunctions().get(0);
for ( int i = 1; i < reduced.getSubFunctions().size(); i++ )
nested = Function.of( nested + " x " + reduced.getSubFunctions().get(i), true );
reduced = nested;
return reduced;
public double calculate( double[] inputs, int j, int d, Function[] src ) { return src[ 0 ].call( inputs, j ); }