package neureka.backend.main.operations.operator;
import neureka.Neureka;
import neureka.Tensor;
import neureka.autograd.ADAction;
import neureka.backend.api.AutoDiffMode;
import neureka.backend.api.ExecutionCall;
import neureka.backend.api.Result;
import neureka.backend.api.template.algorithms.AbstractDeviceAlgorithm;
import neureka.backend.api.template.algorithms.FallbackAlgorithm;
import neureka.backend.api.template.operations.AbstractOperation;
import neureka.backend.api.template.operations.OperationBuilder;
import neureka.backend.main.algorithms.BiElementwise;
import neureka.backend.main.algorithms.BiScalarBroadcast;
import neureka.backend.main.algorithms.Broadcast;
import neureka.backend.main.operations.ElemWiseUtil;
import neureka.math.Function;
import neureka.math.args.Arg;
import neureka.math.parsing.FunctionParser;
import neureka.devices.Device;
import neureka.ndim.NDimensional;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class Addition extends AbstractOperation {
public Addition()
super (
new OperationBuilder()
.identifier( "add" )
.operator( "+" )
.arity( -1 )
.isOperator( true )
.isIndexer( false )
.isDifferentiable( true )
.isInline( false )
new BiElementwise()
(outerCaller, outerCall) ->
innerCall -> AbstractDeviceAlgorithm.executeDeviceAlgorithm( innerCall )
.setSupplyADActionFor( getDefaultAlgorithm() )
new Broadcast()
.setAutogradModeFor( call -> AutoDiffMode.BACKWARD_ONLY )
( Function f, ExecutionCall<? extends Device<?>> call ) ->
if ( call.autogradMode().allowsForward() )
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Broadcast implementation does not support forward-AD!");
Tensor<?> ctxDerivative = (Tensor<?>) call.getValOf(Arg.Derivative.class);
assert ctxDerivative == null;
return _autogradBroadcast( call );
new BiScalarBroadcast()
(iniCaller, iniCall) ->
Result.of(AbstractDeviceAlgorithm.prepareAndExecute( iniCall, AbstractDeviceAlgorithm::executeDeviceAlgorithm))
.withAutoDiff( (caller, call) -> {
if ( call.getDerivativeIndex() >= 0 && call.arity() >= 2 ) {
int offset = call.input(0) == null ? 1 : 0;
boolean thisIsBroadcasting = !call.input(offset).shape().equals(call.input(offset + 1).shape());
if ( thisIsBroadcasting )
return _autogradBroadcast( call );
return FallbackAlgorithm.ADAction(caller, call);
} )
private ADAction _autogradBroadcast(ExecutionCall<? extends Device<?>> call) {
int d = call.getDerivativeIndex();
Tensor<?> derivative = ElemWiseUtil.newTensorLike(call.input( d==0?1:0 ), 0);
Tensor<?> toBeDerived = ElemWiseUtil.newTensorLike(call.input( d ), 0);
Device device = call.getDeviceFor(Number.class);
return ADAction.of(
target ->
this.getAlgorithm( Broadcast.class )
.getImplementationFor( device )
.andArgs( Arg.DerivIdx.of(d) )
.running( this )
.on( device )
public Result execute( final Function caller, final ExecutionCall<?> call )
int d = call.getDerivativeIndex();
if ( caller.isFlat() ) {
if ( d >= 0 && call.arity() >= 2 ) {
int offset = call.input( 0 ) == null ? 1 : 0;
boolean thisIsBroadcasting = !call.input( offset ).shape().equals( call.input( offset + 1 ).shape() );
if ( thisIsBroadcasting ) {
In autograd broadcasting is similar to matrix multiplication.
If the derivative index is 0 then the second operand is used for backward broadcasting.
If the derivative index is 1 then the first operand is used for backward broadcasting.
return Result.of( call.input( d == 0 ? 1 : 0 ) );
int j = call.getValOf(Arg.VarIdx.class);
Tensor<?> template = call.input( offset + d );
long dependencies = caller.getSubFunctions()
.filter( f -> f.dependsOn(d) && j < 0 || (j == d && f.dependsOn(d)))
Tensor<?> derivative =<Number>) template).all(dependencies);
return Result.of(derivative.mut().setIsIntermediate(true));
} else {
if ( d < 0 ) {
Function reducedCaller = reducePairwise(caller);
ExecutionCall<?> flatCall = AbstractDeviceAlgorithm.flatten( reducedCaller, call.withArgs(Arg.DerivIdx.of(-1)) );
Function flat = new FunctionParser(Neureka.get().backend()).parse( flatCall.getOperation(), flatCall.arity(), true );
return super.execute( flat, flatCall );
} else {
if ( !call.validate().allNotNullHaveSame(NDimensional::shape).isValid() )
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The shapes of the operands of the addition operation must be equal! (when deriving nested functions)");
int[] toBeDerived = IntStream.range(0,caller.getSubFunctions().size())
.filter( i -> caller.getSubFunctions().get(i).dependsOn(d) )
Tensor[] results = new Tensor[ toBeDerived.length ];
for ( int i = 0; i < results.length; i++ ) {
Function noAD = Function.of( caller.getSubFunctions().get( toBeDerived[i] ).toString(), false );
Tensor<?> deriv = noAD.execute( noAD.getOperation() == null ? call : call.withOperation(noAD.getOperation()) );
results[ i ] = deriv;
if ( results.length == 1 ) return Result.of( results[0] );
Function addAll = new FunctionParser(Neureka.get().backend()).parse(Neureka.get().backend().getOperation("+"), results.length, false);
return addAll.getOperation().execute(addAll, call.withInputs(results).withArgs(Arg.DerivIdx.of(-1)));
Function reducedCaller = reducePairwise(caller);
ExecutionCall<?> flatCall = AbstractDeviceAlgorithm.flatten( reducedCaller, call.withArgs(Arg.DerivIdx.of(-1)) );
Function flat = new FunctionParser(Neureka.get().backend()).parse( flatCall.getOperation(), flatCall.arity(), true );
Result r = super.execute( flat, flatCall );
//for ( int i = 0; i < flatCall.inputs().length; i++ )
// _deleteIfNotIn(call.inputs(), flatCall.input(i)); // TODO: Make it possible to delete more stuff
return r;
private Function reducePairwise( final Function fun ) {
Function reduced = fun;
if ( reduced.getSubFunctions().size() > 2 ) {
So currently we have something like this: a+b+c+d...
However, this is how it is really executed: ((((a+b)+c)+d)..) let's create a function that is nested like the above:
Function nested = reduced.getSubFunctions().get(0);
for ( int i = 1; i < reduced.getSubFunctions().size(); i++ )
nested = Function.of( nested + " + " + reduced.getSubFunctions().get(i), true );
reduced = nested;
return reduced;
public String asDerivative( Function[] children, int derivationIndex) {
return children )
.filter( child -> child.dependsOn(derivationIndex) )
.map( child -> child.getDerivative(derivationIndex) )
.map( Object::toString )
.collect( Collectors.joining( " "+getOperator()+" " ) );
public double calculate( double[] inputs, int j, int d, Function[] src ) {
if ( j < 0 ) return calculate( inputs, d, src );
if ( d < 0 ) {
double result = src[ 0 ].call( inputs, j );
for ( int i = 1; i < src.length; i++ ) {
final double current = src[ i ].call( inputs, j );
result += current;
return result;
} else {
double derivative = 0;
for ( Function function : src )
derivative += function.derive(inputs, d, j);
return derivative;
public static double calculate( double[] inputs, int d, Function[] src ) {
if ( d < 0 ) {
double result = src[ 0 ].call( inputs );
for ( int i = 1; i < src.length; i++ ) {
final double current = src[ i ].call( inputs );
result += current;
return result;
} else {
double derivative = 0;
for ( Function function : src )
derivative += function.derive( inputs, d );
return derivative;