package neureka.backend.main.operations.other;

import neureka.Neureka;
import neureka.Shape;
import neureka.Tensor;
import neureka.backend.api.Algorithm;
import neureka.backend.api.AutoDiffMode;
import neureka.backend.api.Result;
import neureka.backend.api.template.operations.AbstractOperation;
import neureka.backend.api.template.operations.OperationBuilder;
import neureka.backend.main.operations.ElemWiseUtil;
import neureka.devices.Device;
import neureka.framing.Relation;
import neureka.math.Function;
import neureka.math.args.Arg;
import neureka.ndim.NDConstructor;
import org.slf4j.Logger;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

public class Slice extends AbstractOperation
    private static final Logger _LOG = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger( Slice.class );
    public Slice()
            new OperationBuilder()
                .identifier(       "slice"     )
                .operator(         "slice"     )
                .arity(            1           )
                .isOperator(       false       )
                .isIndexer(        false       )
                .isDifferentiable( true        )
                .isInline(         false       )
            .setIsSuitableFor( call -> SuitabilityPredicate.GOOD )
            .setAutogradModeFor( call -> AutoDiffMode.BACKWARD_ONLY )
                ( caller, call ) ->
                    int[] newShape    = call.getValOf(Arg.Shape.class);
                    int[] newOffset   = call.getValOf(Arg.Offset.class);
                    int[] newSpread   = call.getValOf(Arg.Stride.class);
                    Tensor<Object> input = (Tensor<Object>) call.input(0);
                    Tensor<?> subset     = _slice(newShape, newOffset, newSpread, input);
                    Class<?>       typeClass = input.itemType();
                    Shape          shape = input.shape();
                    boolean        isOutsourced = input.isOutsourced();
                    Device<Object> device = input.getDevice();
                    _sliceFrame( input, subset, newShape, newOffset, newSpread );
                            .withADAction( t -> {
                                Tensor<Object> newError = ElemWiseUtil.newTensorLike((Class<Object>) typeClass, shape, isOutsourced, device, 0);
                                boolean isIntermediate = newError.isIntermediate();
                                newError.mut().setIsIntermediate(false); // To avoid deletion!
                                Tensor<Object> slice = Function.of("slice(I[0])", false)

                                Neureka.get().backend().getFunction().idy().execute( slice, t.error().mut().setIsVirtual(false) );
                                return newError;

    private static Tensor<?> _slice(
        int[] newShape,
        int[] newOffset,
        int[] newSpread,
        Tensor<Object> input
    ) {
        input.mut().setIsVirtual( false );
        int[] newStrides    = input.getNDConf().strides();
        int[] newIndicesMap = input.getNDConf().getLayout().newStridesFor( newShape );

        for ( int i = 0; i < input.rank(); i++ )
            newSpread[ i ] = ( newSpread[i] == 0 ) ? 1 : newSpread[ i ];

        for ( int i = 0; i < newOffset.length; i++ )
            newOffset[ i ] = newOffset[ i ] + input.getNDConf().offset( i ); // Offset is being inherited!

        Relation<?> inputRelation = input.get( Relation.class );
        Tensor<?> rootTensor   = ( input.isSlice() ? inputRelation.findRootTensor().orElseThrow(IllegalStateException::new) : input );
        Tensor<?> parentTensor = ( input.isSlice() ? inputRelation.getParent().orElseThrow(IllegalStateException::new)      : input );
            The following code check the validity of the slice shape ranges with
            respect to the 'parentTensor' of this new slice.
        if ( parentTensor.rank() == newShape.length && rootTensor == parentTensor ) {

            Shape parentShape = parentTensor.shape();

            if ( Shape.of(newShape).elements() > parentShape.elements() )
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        "The new shape of the slice exceeds the number of elements of the parent tensor!"

            boolean sliceSeemsToBeCompletelyReshaped = false;
            for ( int i = 0; i < newShape.length; i++ ) {
                if ( newShape[i] > parentShape.get(i) ) {
                    sliceSeemsToBeCompletelyReshaped = true;

                1. We know that inside this else branch 'this' tensor is a first order slice!
                (So it is not a slice of a slice... reason : 'rootTensor == parentTensor' )

                2. There is however uncertainty about the 'true shape' of this parent tensor!
                Meaning : It might have been permuted and could therefore be distorted with
                respect to the slice that is currently being prepared!
                -> This means we have to take this possible reshaping into account!
                Like so:

                The following uses an int array also called 'permuteRelation'.
                This is simply the 'permute array' which has been recorded inside the 'Relation' component
                by the 'Reshape' operation! ( Hopefully! :) ... custom shape operations need to consider this as well! )

                The following would occur when : "Tensor.of(...).T().getAt(...);"
                Transposing a tensor performs an inline reshaping of an identical
                slice of the original tensor! Then again slicing this tensor
                via the 'getAt(...)' method leads us to a situation where
                the following variable is NOT NULL! :
            int[] permute = ( input.isSlice() ? parentTensor.get( Relation.class ).getPermuteRelationFor( input ) : null );
            permute = ( permute != null ) ? Permute.invert( permute ) : null;

            if ( !sliceSeemsToBeCompletelyReshaped ) // If the slice is not reshaped we can do some basic verification:
                for ( int i = 0; i < parentShape.size(); i++ ) {
                    int ii = ( permute != null ) ? permute[ i ] : i;
                    int top = newOffset[ i ] + newShape[ i ];
                    if ( top > parentShape.get( ii ) ) {
                        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                                "Cannot create slice because ranges are out of the bounds of the targeted tensor.\n" +
                                "At index '" + i + "' : offset '" + newOffset[ i ] + "' + shape '" + newShape[ i ] + "' = '" + top + "',\n" +
                                "which is larger than the target shape '" + parentTensor.shape( ii ) + "' at the same index!"
        else if ( rootTensor != parentTensor ) {
            // TODO! This requires some more thought about how handle slices of slices!
                "Exceptional higher order slice request detected. " +
                "This type of tensor cannot yet be sliced. " +
                "Please copy this tensor before slicing."

        Tensor<Object> subset =
                            NDConstructor.of( newShape, newStrides, newIndicesMap, newSpread, newOffset ),

        subset.set( Relation.newChildToParent( input ) );
        Relation<Object> parent = input.find( Relation.class ).map(r->(Relation<Object>)r).orElseGet(Relation::newParentToChildren);
        parent.addChild( subset );
        input.set( parent );

        if ( input.isOutsourced() )
            input.getDevice().store( subset );

        if ( input.isVirtual() ) subset.mut().setIsVirtual( true );

        return subset;

    private void _sliceFrame(
            Tensor<?> input, Tensor<?> subset, int[] newShape, int[] newOffset, int[] newSpread
    ) {
        // Now if the parent tensor has a name and or axes labels we carry them over to the subset:
        String label = input.label();
        if ( !label.isEmpty() ) subset.mut().label( label + ":slice" );
        input.frame().ifPresent( frame -> {
            Map<Object, List<Object>> state = frame.getState();
            Map<Object, List<Object>> sliceState = new LinkedHashMap<>();
            int i = 0;
            for ( Object k : state.keySet() ) {
                List<Object> axesLabels = state.get(k);
                if ( axesLabels == null )
                    sliceState.put( k, null ); // newShape[i]
                else {
                    List<Object> slicedLabels = new ArrayList<>();
                    if ( !axesLabels.isEmpty() ) {
                        for ( int j = 0; j < newShape[i]; j++ ) {
                            int index = newOffset[i] + j * newSpread[i];
                            slicedLabels.add( axesLabels.get(index) );
                    sliceState.put( k, slicedLabels );
                if ( i == newShape.length ) break;
            subset.mut().labelAxes( sliceState );


    public double calculate( double[] inputs, int j, int d, Function[] src ) { return src[ 0 ].call( inputs, j ); }