package neureka.devices.opencl;
import neureka.Neureka;
import neureka.backend.api.ImplementationFor;
import neureka.backend.api.Algorithm;
import neureka.backend.api.DeviceAlgorithm;
import neureka.backend.api.Operation;
import neureka.backend.ocl.CLBackend;
import neureka.backend.main.algorithms.*;
import neureka.backend.main.implementations.CLImplementation;
import neureka.backend.main.implementations.SimpleCLImplementation;
import org.jocl.*;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.*;
import static org.jocl.CL.*;
* This class models the OpenCL concept of platforms, which refer to device
* vendors / or vendor OpenCL runtime drivers.
* For example, in a system with 1 Intel CPU, 1 Nvidia GPUs and 2 AMD GPU,
* you will have 3 OpenCL platforms exposed by the OpenCL API, one for Intel,
* one for Nvidia and one for AMD. With an AMD CPU and AMD GPU,
* you will have a single Platform for both.
* Same with Intel CPU and Intel GPU/FPGA, also 1 Platform only.
* Here an example for an exception to the Platforms=vendors rule:
* There is 1 Intel CPU in the system,
* but the Intel OpenCL runtime and also POCL OpenCL runtime installed.
* Then you have 2 Platforms (Intel and POCL),
* each with the same Intel CPU as device.
* For every platform exposed by the OpenCL runtime (modelled by a {@link CLBackend} instance),
* there will be a {@link OpenCLPlatform} instance.
public class OpenCLPlatform
private final static Logger _LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger( OpenCLPlatform.class );
private final cl_platform_id _pid;
private final cl_context _context;
private final Map<cl_device_id, OpenCLDevice> _id_device;
private final Map<String, cl_kernel> _kernels = new HashMap<>();
public OpenCLPlatform(cl_platform_id pid)
_id_device = new TreeMap<>(Comparator.comparingInt(NativePointerObject::hashCode));
_pid = pid;
// Obtain the number of devices for the current platform
int[] numDevices = new int[ 1 ];
clGetDeviceIDs(pid, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL, 0, null, numDevices);
cl_device_id[] devicesArray = new cl_device_id[numDevices[ 0 ]];
clGetDeviceIDs(pid, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL, numDevices[ 0 ], devicesArray, null);
if ( numDevices[0] == 0 ) {
String vendor = OpenCLDevice.Query.getString(pid, CL_PLATFORM_VENDOR);
String platformName = OpenCLDevice.Query.getString(pid, CL_PLATFORM_NAME);
"Could not find any OpenCL devices for platform '{}' with id '0x{}' from vendor '{}'. \n" +
"Although an OpenCL platform is present, it does not seem to find any devices. \n" +
"Does your hardware support OpenCL? \n",
platformName, Long.toHexString(pid.getNativePointer()), vendor,
new Throwable()
// Enable exceptions and subsequently omit error checks in this sample
setExceptionsEnabled( true );
// Initialize the context properties
cl_context_properties contextProperties = new cl_context_properties();
contextProperties.addProperty(CL_CONTEXT_PLATFORM, pid);
// Create a context for the selected device
_context = clCreateContext(
contextProperties, devicesArray.length, devicesArray,
null, null, null
List<cl_device_id> successfullyLoaded = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> failures = new ArrayList<>();
// Collect all devices of this platform
for (cl_device_id did : devicesArray) {
try {
OpenCLDevice clDevice = OpenCLDevice.of(this, did);
_id_device.put(did, clDevice);
} catch ( Exception e ) {
String message =
"Failed to create '"+OpenCLDevice.class.getSimpleName()+"' instance for " +
"OpenCL device id '0x" + Long.toHexString(did.getNativePointer()) + "' under platform id '0x"+Long.toHexString(pid.getNativePointer())+"'!";
_LOG.error(message, e);
failures.add(message + " Reason: " + e.getMessage());
if ( !successfullyLoaded.isEmpty() )
_compile(successfullyLoaded.toArray(new cl_device_id[0]));
"'"+this.getClass().getSimpleName()+"' with id '"+Long.toHexString(pid.getNativePointer())+"' does not have a valid device attached to it!"
if ( successfullyLoaded.isEmpty() && devicesArray.length > 0 )
throw new RuntimeException(
"Failed to create '"+OpenCLDevice.class.getSimpleName()+"' instances for all devices of platform id '0x"+Long.toHexString(pid.getNativePointer())+"'! \n" +
"Reasons: \n " +"\n "))
public void recompile() {
List<OpenCLDevice> devices = getDevices();
cl_device_id[] devicesArray = new cl_device_id[devices.size()];
for ( int i = 0; i < devicesArray.length; i++) devicesArray[ i ] = devices.get( i ).getId();
* This is where all the kernels defined by all the {@link CLImplementation}
* in the standard backend, will be compiled to OpenCL programs.
* These kernels are usually based on pre-made template kernel source files...
* They are supposed to be as general purpose as possible, meaning they use
* a rather complicated indexing mechanism (see '').
* @param devicesArray The array of devices for which kernels should be compiled.
private void _compile( cl_device_id[] devicesArray )
//Reading all kernels!
List<String> templateSources = new ArrayList<>();
String[] fileNames = {
for ( String name : fileNames )
ArrayList<String> names = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<String> sources = new ArrayList<>();
for ( int i = 0; i < fileNames.length; i++ )
String kernelSource = templateSources.get( i );
boolean templateFound = false;
if ( kernelSource.contains( "__kernel" ) )
String[] parts = kernelSource.split("__kernel")[ 1 ].split("\\(")[ 0 ].split(" ");
templateFound = parts[parts.length - 1].contains("template");
if ( !templateFound ) names.add(parts[parts.length - 1]);
String preName = parts[ parts.length - 1 ].replace("template", "");
// Tensor t0_origin, Tensor t1_handle, Tsr t2_drain ... when d>=0
// Tsr t0_drain, Tsr t1_src1, Tsr t2_src2
// drn[di], src1[_i_of_idx_on_tln(prv_src1_cfg, rank)], src2[_i_of_idx_on_tln(prv_src2_cfg, rank)]
// default: src1 o src2 -> drain
// inverse: src1/fdrn <- src2 <- drain
Map<String, String> code = new HashMap<>();
ImplementationFor<OpenCLDevice> impl = null;
for ( Operation type : Neureka.get().backend().getOperations() ) {
if ( preName.contains("activation") && type.supportsAlgorithm(ElementwiseAlgorithm.class) )
impl = type.getAlgorithm(ElementwiseAlgorithm.class).getImplementationFor( OpenCLDevice.class );
else if ( preName.contains("elementwise") && type.supportsAlgorithm(BiElementwise.class) )
impl = type.getAlgorithm(BiElementwise.class).getImplementationFor( OpenCLDevice.class );
else if ( preName.contains("scalarization") && type.supportsAlgorithm(BiScalarBroadcast.class) )
impl = type.getAlgorithm(BiScalarBroadcast.class).getImplementationFor( OpenCLDevice.class );
else if ( preName.contains("broadcast") && type.supportsAlgorithm(Broadcast.class) )
impl = type.getAlgorithm(Broadcast.class).getImplementationFor( OpenCLDevice.class );
else if ( preName.contains("convolution") && type.supportsAlgorithm(NDConvolution.class) )
impl = type.getAlgorithm(NDConvolution.class).getImplementationFor( OpenCLDevice.class );
else if (
) { // TODO: cover!
impl = type.getAlgorithm(DeviceAlgorithm.class).getImplementationFor( OpenCLDevice.class );
if ( impl instanceof CLImplementation ) {
for ( KernelCode kernelCode : ((CLImplementation) impl).getKernelCode() ) {
if (kernelCode.getCode() != null)
code.put(kernelCode.getName(), kernelCode.getCode());
code.forEach( ( n, s ) -> { names.add( n ); sources.add( s ); } );
if ( !templateFound ) sources.add( kernelSource );
for ( Operation type : Neureka.get().backend().getOperations() ) {
for ( Algorithm algorithm : type.getAllAlgorithms()) {
DeviceAlgorithm<?> deviceAlgorithm = ( algorithm instanceof DeviceAlgorithm ? ((DeviceAlgorithm<?>) algorithm) : null );
ImplementationFor<OpenCLDevice> impl = ( deviceAlgorithm == null ? null : deviceAlgorithm.getImplementationFor(OpenCLDevice.class) );
if ( impl instanceof CLImplementation ) {
CLImplementation cli = ((CLImplementation) impl);
if ( cli instanceof SimpleCLImplementation ) {
for ( KernelCode kernelCode : cli.getKernelCode() ) {
names.add( kernelCode.getName() );
sources.add( kernelCode.getCode() );
// Create the program
cl_program cpProgram = clCreateProgramWithSource(
sources.toArray( new String[ 0 ] ),
// Build the program
int err = clBuildProgram(
if ( err != CL_SUCCESS )
_LOG.error("Failed to compile the OpenCL code of the current context. Error code: '"+err+"'.");
//TODO: check compilation errors!
// Create the kernels
for ( String name : names )
if ( name != null ) _kernels.put( name, clCreateKernel( cpProgram, name, null ) );
public List<OpenCLDevice> getDevices() {
List<OpenCLDevice> devices = new ArrayList<>();
_id_device.forEach( ( k, v ) -> devices.add( v ) );
return devices;
* @param did The {@link cl_device_id} representing an OpenCL supporting device.
* @return The truth value determining if this platform hosts the device represented by the provided id.
public boolean has( cl_device_id did ) { return _id_device.containsKey( did ); }
public OpenCLDevice get( cl_device_id did ) {
return _id_device.get( did );
void put( cl_device_id did, OpenCLDevice device ) {
_id_device.put( did, device );
public cl_kernel getKernel( String kernelName ) {
return _kernels.get( kernelName );
public boolean hasKernel( String kernelName ) {
return _kernels.containsKey( kernelName );
public final long getId() { return _pid.getNativePointer(); }
public cl_context getContext() {
return _context;
public void dispose() {
clReleaseContext( _context );
public String toString() {
return this.getClass().getSimpleName()+"@"+Integer.toHexString(hashCode())+"[" +
"id=0x" + Long.toHexString(_pid.getNativePointer()) + "," +
"context=0x"+Long.toHexString(_context.getNativePointer()) + "," +
"kernels=[.."+_kernels.size()+"..]" +