package neureka.devices;
import neureka.Neureka;
import neureka.backend.api.BackendExtension;
import neureka.math.parsing.ParseUtil;
import neureka.devices.host.CPU;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.stream.Stream;
* An internal class which queries the backend for {@link Device} instances based on a provided device
* type and an array of search keys!
* <br> <br>
* <b>Warning: This is an internal class, meaning it should not be used
* anywhere but within this library. <br>
* This class or its public methods might change or get removed in future versions!</b>
final class Query
private static final double ACCEPTABILITY = 0.42;
private static final String[] TAKE_FIRST = {"first device","first", "first gpu", "first cpu", "primary", "main", "any", "anything", "something"};
private static final String[] WANTS_GPU = {"first gpu", "gpu", "nvidia", "amd", "intel", "opencl", "fpga", "radeon", "cuda", "apu", "graphics", "rdna", "rocm", "graphics"};
private static final String[] WANTS_CPU = {"first cpu", "jvm","native","host","cpu","threaded", "processor", "main processor", "central processor", "central processing unit"};
private Query() {}
static <T, D extends Device<T>> D query( Class<D> deviceType, String... searchKeys ) {
String[] flattened =
.flatMap( key -> Arrays.stream(key.split(" or ")) )
.flatMap( key -> Arrays.stream(key.split("\\|\\|")) )
.filter( key -> !key.isEmpty() )
.flatMap( key -> key.equals("amd") ? Stream.of("amd", "advanced micro devices") : Stream.of(key) )
.flatMap( key -> key.equals("nvidia") ? Stream.of("nvidia", "nvidia corporation") : Stream.of(key) )
return _queryInternal( deviceType, flattened );
private static <T, D extends Device<T>> D _queryInternal( Class<D> deviceType, String... searchKeys )
if ( deviceType == CPU.class ) return (D) CPU.get();
String key;
if ( searchKeys.length == 0 ) key = "";
else key = String.join(" ", searchKeys).toLowerCase();
boolean justTakeFirstOne = Arrays.asList(TAKE_FIRST).contains(key);
boolean probablyWantsGPU = Arrays.stream(WANTS_GPU).anyMatch(key::contains);
probablyWantsGPU = probablyWantsGPU || key.equals("first") || key.equals("first device");
double desireForCPU = Arrays.stream(WANTS_CPU)
cpuWord ->
.mapToDouble(word -> ParseUtil.similarity( word, cpuWord ) )
if ( probablyWantsGPU ) desireForCPU /= 10; // CPU instance is most likely not meant!
for ( String currentKey : searchKeys )
for ( BackendExtension extension : Neureka.get().backend().getExtensions() ) {
BackendExtension.DeviceOption found = extension.find( currentKey );
if ( found == null ) continue;
if ( found.device() == null ) continue;
if ( found.confidence() <= 0 ) continue;
if ( !deviceType.isAssignableFrom( found.device().getClass() ) ) continue;
if ( found.confidence() > ACCEPTABILITY && found.confidence() > desireForCPU || (justTakeFirstOne && probablyWantsGPU) )
return (D) found.device();
if ( probablyWantsGPU )
return null; // User wants OpenCL but cannot have it :/
else if ( deviceType.isAssignableFrom( CPU.class ) && (desireForCPU > ACCEPTABILITY || justTakeFirstOne) )
return (D) CPU.get();
return null; // We don't know what the user wants, but we do not have it :/