package neureka.framing;
import neureka.Tensor;
import neureka.common.composition.Component;
import neureka.common.utility.LogUtil;
import neureka.framing.fluent.AxisFrame;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Function;
* Instances of this class are components of tensors, which store aliases for the indices of the tensor.
* These indices aliases can be anything that has an identity, meaning any plain old object. <br>
* There are two layers of aliasing/labeling provided by this class:
* <ul>
* <li>
* Labels for the axis of a tensor, which are the indices of its shape array.
* </li>
* <li>
* Labels for the indices of a specific axis.
* </li>
* </ul>
* Lets for example imagine a tensor of rank 2 with the shape (3, 4), then the axis could for example be labeled
* with a tuple of two {@link String} instances like: ("a","b"). <br>
* Labeling the indices of the axis for this example requires 2 arrays whose length matches the axis sizes. <br>
* The following mapping would be able to label both the axis and their indices: <br>
* <br>
* "a" : ["first", "second", "third"], <br>
* "b" : ["one", "two", "three", "four"] <br>
* <br>
* @param <V> The type parameter of the value type of the tensor type to whom this component should belong.
public final class NDFrame<V> implements Component<Tensor<V>>
private final List<Object> _hiddenKeys = new ArrayList<>();
* This {@link Map} contains all the aliases for axis as well as individual
* positions for a given axis (in the form of yet another {@link Map}).
private final Map<Object, Object> _mapping;
* A frame can also carry a name.
* When loading a CSV file for example the label would be the first cell if
* both index and header labels are included in the file.
private final String _mainLabel;
public NDFrame(List<List<Object>> labels, Tensor<V> host, String mainLabel ) {
this(Collections.emptyMap(), host, mainLabel);
private NDFrame<V> _label( List<List<Object>> labels ) {
for ( int i = 0; i < labels.size(); i++ ) _mapping.put( i, new LinkedHashMap<>() );
for ( int i = 0; i < labels.size(); i++ ) {
if ( labels.get( i ) != null ) {
for ( int j = 0; j < labels.get( i ).size(); j++ ) {
if ( labels.get( i ).get( j ) != null )
atAxis( i ).atIndexAlias( labels.get( i ).get( j ) ).setIndex( j );
return this;
public NDFrame(Tensor<V> host, String tensorName ) {
this(Collections.emptyMap(), host, tensorName);
public NDFrame(
Map<Object, List<Object>> labels,
Tensor<V> host,
String ndaMainLabel
) {
_mainLabel = ndaMainLabel;
_mapping = new LinkedHashMap<>( labels.size() * 3 );
int[] index = { 0 };
labels.forEach( ( k, v ) -> {
if ( !k.equals( index[ 0 ] ) ) _hiddenKeys.add( index[ 0 ] );
if ( v != null ) {
Map<Object, Integer> indicesMap = new LinkedHashMap<>( v.size() * 3 );
for ( int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++ ) indicesMap.put( v.get( i ), i );
_mapping.put( k, indicesMap );
_mapping.put( k, host.getNDConf().shape( index[ 0 ] ) );
index[ 0 ]++;
index[0] = 0;
labels.forEach( ( k, v ) -> {
_mapping.put( index[ 0 ], _mapping.get(k) ); // default integer index should also always work!
index[ 0 ]++;
for ( int i = index[0]; i < host.rank(); i++ )
if ( !_mapping.containsKey( i ) )
_mapping.put(i, new LinkedHashMap<>());
private NDFrame( List<Object> hiddenKeys, Map<Object, Object> mapping, String tensorName ) {
_hiddenKeys.addAll( hiddenKeys );
_mapping = new LinkedHashMap<>(mapping);
_mainLabel = tensorName;
public NDFrame<V> withLabel( String newLabel ) {
return new NDFrame<>( _hiddenKeys, _mapping, newLabel );
public NDFrame<V> withAxesLabels( List<List<Object>> labels ) {
return new NDFrame<V>( _hiddenKeys, _mapping, _mainLabel )._label(labels);
public int[] get( List<Object> keys ) {
LogUtil.nullArgCheck( keys, "keys", List.class );
return get( keys.toArray( new Object[0] ) );
public int[] get( Object... keys ) {//Todo: iterate over _mapping
LogUtil.nullArgCheck( keys, "keys", Object[].class );
int[] indices = new int[ keys.length ];
for( int i = 0; i < indices.length; i++ ) {
Object am = _mapping.get( i );
if ( am instanceof Map )
indices[ i ] = ( (Map<Object, Integer>) am ).get( keys[ i ] );
else if ( am instanceof Integer )
indices[ i ] = (Integer) am;
return indices;
public boolean hasLabelsForAxis( Object axisAlias ) {
LogUtil.nullArgCheck( axisAlias, "axisAlias", Object.class );
return !atAxis(axisAlias).getAllAliases().isEmpty();
* A {@link NDFrame} exposes aliases for axes as well as aliases for individual positions within an axis.
* This method returns a view on a axis which is targeted by an axis alias as key.
* This view is an instance of the {@link AxisFrame} class which provides useful methods
* for getting or setting alias objects for individual positions for the given axis.
* This is useful when for example replacing certain aliases or simply taking a look at them.
* @param axisAlias The axis alias object which targets an {@link AxisFrame} of {@link NDFrame}.
* @return A view of the targeted axis in the for of an{@link AxisFrame} which provides getters and setters for aliases.
public AxisFrame<Integer, V> atAxis( Object axisAlias )
LogUtil.nullArgCheck( axisAlias, "axisAlias", Object.class );
return AxisFrame.<Integer, Integer, V>builder()
atKey -> () ->
Object am = _mapping.get( axisAlias );
if ( am instanceof Map )
return ((Map<Object, Integer>) _mapping.get( axisAlias )).get(atKey);
return 0;
atKey -> (int setValue) ->
Map<Object, Integer> am = _initializeIndexMap( axisAlias, atKey, setValue );
am.put( atKey, setValue );
return this;
( currentIndexKey ) -> (newIndexKey ) -> {
Map<Object, Integer> am = _initializeIndexMap( axisAlias, currentIndexKey, (Integer) currentIndexKey );
if (am.containsKey( currentIndexKey ) )
am.put( newIndexKey, am.remove( currentIndexKey ) ); // This...
return this;
() -> {
Object am = _mapping.get( axisAlias );
if ( am == null ) return new ArrayList<>();
List<Object> keys = new ArrayList<>();
if ( am instanceof Map ) ( (Map<Object, Integer>) am ).forEach( ( k, v ) -> keys.add( k ) );
else for ( int i = 0; i < ( (Integer) am ); i++ ) keys.add( i );
return keys;
(index) -> {
List<Object> keys = new ArrayList<>();
Object am = _mapping.get( axisAlias );
if ( am instanceof Map ) ( (Map<Object, Integer>) am ).forEach( (k, v) -> { if (v.equals(index)) keys.add( k ); } );
else keys.add( index );
return keys;
private Map<Object, Integer> _initializeIndexMap(Object axis, Object key, int index ) {
Object am = _mapping.get( axis );
if ( am instanceof Map )
return (Map<Object, Integer>) _mapping.get( axis );
int size = (Integer) am;
Map<Object, Integer> newIdxmap = new LinkedHashMap<>( size * 3 );
for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) {
if ( index == i ) newIdxmap.put( key, i );
else newIdxmap.put( i, i );
_mapping.put( axis, newIdxmap );
return newIdxmap;
* This method simply pads the provided string based on the size passed to it.
* @param string The {@link String} which ought to be padded by white spaces.
* @param cellSize The length of the padded {@link String} which will be returned.
* @return The padded {@link String}.
private String _paddedCentered( String string, int cellSize ) {
if ( string.length() < cellSize ) {
int first = cellSize / 2;
int second = cellSize - first;
first -= string.length() / 2;
second -= string.length() - string.length() / 2;
StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(string);
// Now we prepend the prefix spaces:
for ( int i = 0; i < first; i++ ) strBuilder.insert(0, " ");
strBuilder.append( String.join("", Collections.nCopies(Math.max( 0, second ), " ")) );
// ...equal to the following expression: " ".repeat( Math.max( 0, second ) ) );
return strBuilder.toString();
return string;
public String toString()
final int TABLE_CELL_WIDTH = 16;
final String WALL = " | ";
final String HEADLINE = "=";
final String ROWLINE = "-";
final String CROSS = "+";
int indexShift = WALL.length() / 2;
int crossMod = TABLE_CELL_WIDTH+WALL.length();
Function<Integer, Boolean> isCross = i -> ( i - indexShift ) % crossMod == 0;
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append( WALL );
_mapping.forEach( ( k, v ) -> {
if ( !_hiddenKeys.contains( k ) ) {
String axisHeader = k.toString();
axisHeader = _paddedCentered(axisHeader, TABLE_CELL_WIDTH);
int lineLength = builder.length();
builder.append( "\n" );
for ( int i = 0; i < lineLength; i++ ) builder.append( ( isCross.apply( i ) ) ? CROSS : HEADLINE );
builder.append( "\n" );
boolean[] hasMoreIndexes = { true };
int[] depth = { 0 };
while ( hasMoreIndexes[ 0 ] ) {
Object[] keyOfDepth = { null };
builder.append( WALL );
_mapping.forEach( ( k, v ) -> {
if ( !_hiddenKeys.contains( k ) ) {
keyOfDepth[0] = null;
if (v instanceof Map) {
((Map<Object, Integer>) v).forEach((ik, iv) -> {
if ( iv == depth[0] ) keyOfDepth[0] = ik;
} else if (v instanceof Integer) {
if (depth[0] < ((Integer) v)) keyOfDepth[0] = depth[0];
if (keyOfDepth[0] != null) {
builder.append(_paddedCentered((keyOfDepth[0]).toString(), TABLE_CELL_WIDTH));
} else {
builder.append(_paddedCentered("---", TABLE_CELL_WIDTH));
depth[ 0 ]++;
builder.append( "\n" );
for( int i = 0; i < lineLength; i++ ) builder.append( ( isCross.apply( i ) ) ? CROSS : ROWLINE );
builder.append( "\n" );
if ( keyOfDepth[ 0 ] == null ) hasMoreIndexes[ 0 ] = false;
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder().append( "\nTensor IndexAlias: axis/indexes" );
result.append( "\n" );
for ( int i = 0; i < lineLength; i++ ) result.append( HEADLINE );
result.append( "\n" );
result.append( builder );
return result.toString();
public boolean update( OwnerChangeRequest<Tensor<V>> changeRequest ) {
changeRequest.executeChange(); // This can be an 'add', 'remove' or 'transfer' of this component!
// This component does not have anything to do when switching owner...
return true;
private Map<Object, Object> _mapping() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(_mapping); }
public Map<Object, List<Object>> getState() {
Map<Object, Object> internalState = _mapping();
Map<Object, List<Object>> simpleState = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for ( Object k : internalState.keySet() ) {
Object al = internalState.get(k);
if ( al instanceof Integer ) simpleState.put( k, null ); // newShape[i]
else {
List<Object> map = new ArrayList<>();
List<Map.Entry<Object,Object>> entries = new ArrayList<>(((Map<Object,Object>)al).entrySet());
for ( Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : entries ) map.add(entry.getKey());
simpleState.put( k, map );
return simpleState;
public String getLabel() {
return _mainLabel;