package neureka.math.parsing;
import neureka.backend.api.BackendContext;
import neureka.backend.api.Operation;
import neureka.math.Function;
import neureka.math.implementations.FunctionConstant;
import neureka.math.implementations.FunctionInput;
import neureka.math.implementations.FunctionNode;
import neureka.math.implementations.FunctionVariable;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* The {@link FunctionParser} takes a {@link BackendContext} instance based on which
* it builds {@link Function} implementation instances, usually by parsing {@link String}s.
* The information needed for parsing is being provided by the {@link Operation}s within the formerly
* mentioned {@link BackendContext}...
public class FunctionParser
private static final Logger _LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FunctionParser.class);
private static final Pattern _variablePattern = Pattern.compile("^(-?[iI]{1}[g]?\\[?[ ]*[g]?[jJ]+[ ]*\\]?)");
private static final Pattern _inputPattern = Pattern.compile("^(-?[iI]{1}[g]?\\[?[ ]*[g]?[0-9]+[ ]*\\]?)");
private static final Pattern _constantPattern = Pattern.compile("^((-?[0-9]*|[0-9]*)[.]?[0-9]*((e|E)[-]?[0-9]+)?)");
private static final Pattern _permutePattern = Pattern.compile("^(\\[{1}(.,)*(.)+[,]?\\]{1}:?((\\({1}[.]*\\){1})|(.+)))");
private static final Pattern _nodePattern = Pattern.compile("^([\\(]{1}.+[\\)]{1})");
private final BackendContext _context;
* @param context The {@link BackendContext} which will be used as a basis to parse new {@link Function}
* implementation instance from provided {@link String} expressions.
public FunctionParser( BackendContext context ) { _context = context; }
* @param operation The {@link Operation} based on which the {@link Function} ought to be created.
* @param numberOfArgs The number of arguments the produced {@link Function} ought to have.
* @param doAD The flag determining if the {@link Function} built by this method should perform autograd or not.
* @return A {@link Function} implementation instance which satisfied the supplied parameters.
public Function parse( Operation operation, int numberOfArgs, boolean doAD )
if ( operation.isIndexer() )
return parse( operation.getIdentifier() + "( I[j] )", doAD );
String args = IntStream.iterate( 0, n -> n + 1 )
.limit( numberOfArgs )
.mapToObj( i -> "I[" + i + "]" )
.collect( Collectors.joining( ", " ) );
// A function always has to be parsable:
return parse( operation.getIdentifier() + "(" + args + ")", doAD );
* @param expression contains the function as String provided by the user
* @param doAD is used to turn autograd on or off for this function
* @return the function which has been built from the expression
public Function parse( String expression, boolean doAD )
if (
expression.length() > 0 &&
(expression.charAt( 0 ) != '(' || expression.charAt( expression.length() - 1 ) != ')')
expression = ("(" + expression + ")");
if ( _context.getFunctionCache().has( expression, doAD ) )
return _context.getFunctionCache().get( expression, doAD );
expression = ParseUtil.unpackAndCorrect( expression );
Function built = _parse( expression, doAD );
if ( built != null )
_context.getFunctionCache().put( built );
_LOG.error("Failed to parse function based on expression '"+expression+"' and autograd flag '"+doAD+"'.");
return built;
* @param expression is a blueprint String for the function builder
* @param doAD enables or disables autograd for this function
* @return a function which has been built by the given expression
private Function _parse( String expression, boolean doAD )
// TODO: Remove this! It's error prone! (Operations should define parsing to some extent)
expression = expression
.replace("<<", "" + ((char) 171))
.replace(">>", "" + ((char) 187));
expression = expression
.replace("<-", "<")
.replace("->", ">");
if ( expression.equals("") )
return new FunctionConstant("0");
expression = ParseUtil.unpackAndCorrect(expression);
List<String> foundOperations = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> foundComponents = new ArrayList<>();
for ( int ei = 0; ei < expression.length(); ) {
final String newComponent = ParseUtil.findComponentIn( expression, ei );
if ( newComponent != null ) {
// Empty strings are not components and will be skipped:
if ( newComponent.trim().isEmpty()) ei += newComponent.length();
else // String has content so lets add it to the lists:
if ( foundComponents.size() <= foundOperations.size() ) {
ei += newComponent.length(); // And now we continue parsing where the string ends...
// After a component however, we expect an operator:
final String newOperation = ParseUtil.parsedOperation( expression, ei );
if ( newOperation != null ) {
ei += newOperation.length();
if ( newOperation.length() <= 0 ) continue;
foundOperations.add( newOperation );
++ei; // Parsing failed for this index so let's try the next one!
int counter = _context.size();
for ( int j = _context.size(); j > 0; --j ) {
if ( !foundOperations.contains( _context.getOperation(j - 1).getOperator() ) )
j = 0;
for ( int operationID = 0; operationID < counter; operationID++ ) {
final List<String> newJunctors = new ArrayList<>();
final List<String> newComponents = new ArrayList<>();
if ( foundOperations.contains( _context.getOperation( operationID ).getOperator() ) ) {
String currentChain = null;
boolean groupingOccurred = false;
boolean enoughPresent = ParseUtil.numberOfOperationsWithin( foundOperations ) > 1;// Otherwise: I[j]**4 goes nuts!
if ( enoughPresent ) {
String[] foundCompArray = foundComponents.toArray( new String[ 0 ] );
int length = foundCompArray.length;
for ( int ci = 0; ci < length; ci++ ) {
String currentComponent;
currentComponent = foundCompArray[ci];
String currentOperation = null;
if ( foundOperations.size() > ci ) {
currentOperation = foundOperations.get(ci);
if ( currentOperation != null ) {
if (
) {
final String newChain =
if ( newChain != null ) currentChain = newChain;
groupingOccurred = true;
} else {
if ( currentChain == null ) newComponents.add(currentComponent);
else newComponents.add( currentChain + currentComponent );
newJunctors.add( currentOperation );
groupingOccurred = true;
currentChain = null;
} else {
if ( currentChain == null )
newComponents.add( currentComponent );
else {
newComponents.add( currentChain + currentComponent );
groupingOccurred = true;
currentChain = null;
if ( groupingOccurred ) {
foundOperations = newJunctors;
foundComponents = newComponents;
// building sources and function:
if ( foundComponents.size() == 1 )
return _buildFunction( foundComponents.get(0), doAD );
// It's not a function but operators:
return _buildOperators( foundComponents, foundOperations, doAD );
private Function _buildFunction( String foundComponent, boolean doAD ) {
ArrayList<Function> sources = new ArrayList<>();
String possibleFunction = ParseUtil.parsedOperation(
if ( possibleFunction != null && possibleFunction.length() > 1 ) {
for ( int oi = 0; oi < _context.size(); oi++ ) {
if (_context.getOperation(oi).getIdentifier().equalsIgnoreCase(possibleFunction)) {
List<String> parameters = ParseUtil.findParametersIn(
assert parameters != null;
for ( String p : parameters ) sources.add(parse(p, doAD));
return new FunctionNode( _context.getOperation( oi ), sources, doAD );
String component = ParseUtil.unpackAndCorrect( foundComponent );
if ( _constantPattern.matcher( component ).matches() ) return new FunctionConstant( component );
else if ( _inputPattern.matcher( component ).find() ) return FunctionInput.of( component, doAD );
else if ( _variablePattern.matcher( component ).find() ) return new FunctionVariable( component );
else if ( component.startsWith("-") ) {
component = "-1 * "+component.substring(1);
return _parse(component, doAD);
// If the component did not trigger constant/input/variable creation: -> Cleaning!
String cleaned = ParseUtil.cleanedHeadAndTail( component );
String raw = component.replace( cleaned, "" );
String assumed = ParseUtil.assumptionBasedOn( raw );
if ( assumed.trim().equals("") ) component = cleaned;
else component = assumed + cleaned;
// Let's try again:
Function result;
try {
result = parse( component, doAD );
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to parse expression '"+component+"'! Cause: "+e.getCause());
return result;
private Function _buildOperators(
List<String> foundComponents,
List<String> foundOperators,
boolean doAD
) {
// identifying operator id:
int operationIndex = 0;
if ( foundOperators.size() >= 1 ) {
for (int currentIndex = 0; currentIndex < _context.size(); ++currentIndex) {
if ( _context.getOperation(currentIndex).getOperator().equals(foundOperators.get( 0 )) ) {
operationIndex = currentIndex;
String asString =
_context.getOperation( operationIndex ).getOperator()
// More than one component left:
ArrayList<Function> sources = new ArrayList<>();
if ( _context.getOperation( operationIndex ).getArity() > 1 ) {
foundComponents = _groupAccordingToArity(
_context.getOperation( operationIndex ).getArity(),
_context.getOperation( operationIndex ).getOperator()
} else if ( _permutePattern.matcher(asString).matches() ) {
foundComponents.set(0, foundComponents.get( 0 ).substring(1));
String[] splitted;
if (foundComponents.get(foundComponents.size() - 1).contains("]")) {
int offset = 1;
if (foundComponents.get(foundComponents.size() - 1).contains("]:")) {
offset = 2;
splitted = foundComponents.get(foundComponents.size() - 1).split("]:");
} else {
splitted = foundComponents.get(foundComponents.size() - 1).split("]");
if (splitted.length > 1) {
splitted = new String[]{splitted[ 0 ], foundComponents.get(foundComponents.size() - 1).substring(splitted[ 0 ].length() + offset)};
foundComponents.remove(foundComponents.size() - 1);
for ( String component : foundComponents )
parse(component, doAD) // a dangerous recursion lives here!
if ( sources.size() == 1 ) return sources.get( 0 );
if ( sources.size() == 0 ) return null;
ArrayList<Function> newVariable = new ArrayList<>();
for ( Function source : sources ) {
if ( source != null ) newVariable.add(source);
sources = newVariable;
return new FunctionNode( _context.getOperation(operationIndex), sources, doAD );
private List<String> _groupAccordingToArity(int arity, List<String> components, String operator) {
if ( components.size() > arity && arity > 1 ) {
String newComponent =
"(" +
IntStream.iterate( 0, n -> n + 1 )
.mapToObj( components::get )
.collect(Collectors.joining( operator )) +
for ( int i = 0; i < arity; i++ ) components.remove(components.get( 0 ));
components.add(0, newComponent);
return _groupAccordingToArity( arity, components, operator );
return components;