MIT License

Copyright (c) 2019 Gleethos

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
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copies or substantial portions of the Software.


     ______                _   _
    |  ____|              | | (_)
    | |__ _   _ _ __   ___| |_ _  ___  _ __
    |  __| | | | '_ \ / __| __| |/ _ \| '_ \
    | |  | |_| | | | | (__| |_| | (_) | | | |
    |_|   \__,_|_| |_|\___|\__|_|\___/|_| |_|
    Function instances represent an abstract syntax
    tree which performs operations on tensors or arrays of primitive scalars.


package neureka.math;

import neureka.Neureka;
import neureka.Tensor;
import neureka.backend.api.Call;
import neureka.backend.api.Operation;
import neureka.backend.api.Result;
import neureka.backend.main.memory.MemUtil;
import neureka.backend.main.memory.MemValidator;
import neureka.math.args.Arg;
import neureka.math.args.Args;
import neureka.math.parsing.FunctionParser;
import neureka.math.implementations.FunctionInput;
import neureka.devices.Device;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

 *  Besides the {@link Tensor} class, which is the core class of Neureka, this interface and its implementations
 *  represents the second most important feature of this library.
 *  Instances of {@link Function} implementations form an abstract syntax tree which is being built
 *  from a provided expression {@link String} containing function syntax.
 *  <p>
 *  Just like functions in the mathematical sense, implementations of this
 *  interface receive a fixed number of inputs.
 *  Within the expression String needed for instantiation, these inputs are
 *  recognized by 'I[j]', 'Ij' or 'ij', where j is the input index.
 *  Functions accept arrays as their inputs,
 *  which is why variables must be targeted in such a way.
public interface Function
     *  This static factory method will return {@link Function} instances
     *  based on a provided mathematical {@link String} expression describing the function
     *  using 'I[0]', 'I[1]', 'I[2]'... as input variables or 'I[j]' to enable input dependent indexing
     *  like for example "sum( I[j] / 2 )".
     *  The {@link Function} instances returned by this method will
     *  by default perform autograd if any involved input {@link Tensor} requires gradients (see {@link Tensor#rqsGradient()}).
     *  If one wishes to disable this behavior one might consider the use of the {@link Function#of(String, boolean)}
     *  factory method.
     * @param expression The right part of a function equation where inputs are denoted by 'I[0]', 'I[1]', 'I[2]'...
     * @return A {@link Function} instance created based on the provided {@link String}, ready to receive inputs and execute on them.
    static Function of( String expression ) { return of( expression, true ); }

     *  This static factory method will return {@link Function} instances
     *  based on a provided mathematical {@link String} expression describing the function
     *  using 'I[0]', 'I[1]', 'I[2]'... as input variables or 'I[j]' to enable input dependent indexing
     *  like for example "sum( I[j] / 2 )" as well as a flag determining if the resulting {@link Function}
     *  ought to be able to perform autograd or not.
     * @param expression The right part of a function equation where inputs are denoted by 'I[0]', 'I[1]', 'I[2]'...
     * @param doAD A flag determining if the produced {@link Function} should be able to perform autograd (aka. auto-differentiation)
     * @return A {@link Function} instance created based on the provided {@link String}, ready to receive inputs and execute on them.
    static Function of( String expression, boolean doAD ) {
        return new FunctionParser( Neureka.get().backend() ).parse( expression, doAD );

    // Instance methods:

     *  Only branch {@link Function}s can do autograd / 'Auto-Differentiation', meaning functions
     *  whose {@link #isFlat()} flag is set to false!
     * @return The truth value determining if this {@link Function} can perform autograd/auto-differentiation on the input tensors it receives.
    boolean isDoingAD();

     * @return The truth value determining if the sub-functions of this {@link Function} do not themselves reference {@link Function}s.
    boolean isFlat();

     * @return The {@link Operation} implementation instance responsible for executing any inputs received by this {@link Function} or null if this {@link #isFlat()}.
    Operation getOperation();

     *  Use this to determine if this function directly or indirectly references an input with the provided index.
     * @param index The index which ought to match the input index of a potentially referenced {@link FunctionInput}.
     * @return The truth value determining if this {@link Function} (or any sub-functions) reference a {@link FunctionInput} with the provided index.
    boolean dependsOn( int index );

     *  This method builds a new {@link Function} which is the derivative of this {@link Function} with respect to the provided input index.
     * @param index The index of the input which ought to serve as the variable which ought to be derived.
     * @return The derivative of this {@link Function}.
    Function getDerivative( int index );

     * @return The referenced child {@link Function} nodes of this {@link Function} AST node.
    List<Function> getSubFunctions();

     * @return A list of all {@link Function} nodes within the abstract syntax tree defined by this.
    default List<Function> getAllFunctions() {
        List<Function> allFuns = new ArrayList<>();
        for ( Function fun : this.getSubFunctions() )

        return allFuns;

     * @return The number of inputs that this {@link Function} AST depends on.
    default int numberOfArgs() {
        return (int) getAllFunctions()
                        .filter( fun -> fun instanceof FunctionInput )
                        .map( fun -> (FunctionInput) fun )
                        .mapToInt( FunctionInput::index )

     *  Invokes this {@link Function} with the provided scalar as a single input and returns the scalar result.
     *  This method is functionally equivalent to {@link #invoke(double)} or
     *  calling {@link #call(double...)} or {@link #invoke(double...)} with a single element array.
     * @param input The scalar input, a single double value.
     * @return The scalar result, a single double value.
    default double call( double input )   { return call( new double[]{input} ); }

     *  Invokes this {@link Function} with the provided scalar as a single input and returns the scalar result.
     *  This method is functionally equivalent to {@link #call(double)} or
     *  calling {@link #invoke(double...)} or {@link #call(double...)} with a single element array.
     * @param input The scalar input, a single double value.
     * @return The scalar result, a single double value.
    default double invoke( double input ) { return call( input ); }

     *  Invokes this {@link Function} with the provided array of inputs ad an index for input dependent indexing.
     *  This method is functionally equivalent to {@link #invoke(double[], int)}.
     *  @param inputs The array of inputs.
     *  @param j The index for input dependent indexing.
     *  @return The scalar result, a single double value.
    double call( double[] inputs, int j );

     *  Invokes this {@link Function} with the provided array of inputs ad an index for input dependent indexing.
     *  This method is functionally equivalent to {@link #call(double[], int)}.
     *  @param inputs The array of inputs.
     *  @param j The index for input dependent indexing.
     *  @return The scalar result, a single double value.
    default double invoke( double[] inputs, int j ) { return call( inputs, j ); }

     *  Invokes this {@link Function} with the provided array of inputs.
     *  This method is functionally equivalent to {@link #invoke(double[])}.
     *  @param inputs A double array of inputs.
     *  @return The scalar result, a single double value.
    default double call( double... inputs )   { return call( inputs, -1 ); }

     *  Invokes this {@link Function} with the provided array of inputs.
     *  This method is functionally equivalent to {@link #call(double[])}.
     *  @param inputs The double array of inputs.
     *  @return The scalar double result, a single double value.
    default double invoke( double... inputs ) { return call( inputs ); }

     *  Calculates the derivative of a particular input with respect to the output of this {@link Function}
     *  based on the provided array of inputs, an index targeting the input to be derived
     *  and an index for input dependent indexing.
     *  @param inputs The double array of inputs.
     *  @param index The index of the input to be derived.
     *  @param j The index for input dependent indexing.
     *  @return The scalar double result, a single double value.
    double derive( double[] inputs, int index, int j );

     *  Calculates the derivative of a particular input with respect to the output of this {@link Function}
     *  based on the provided array of inputs and an index targeting the input to be derived.
     *  @param inputs The double array of inputs.
     *  @param index The index of the input to be derived.
     *  @return The scalar double result, a single double value.
    double derive( double[] inputs, int index );

     *  Use this for more control over the execution, which is especially useful
     *  when interfacing with more complex types of operations, requiring more context information.
     * @param call A wrapper for input tensors, a target device and additional meta-arguments.
     * @return The resulting tensor produced by this function executing the provided call.
     * @param <T> The type parameter of the tensors wrapped by the provided call.
     * @param <D> The type parameter of the device targeted by the provided call.
    default <T, D extends Device<T>> Tensor<T> call(Call.Builder<T, D> call ) {
        return call( call.get() );

     *  Use this for more control over the execution, which is very helpful
     *  when interfacing with more complex types of operations, requiring more context information.
     * @param call A wrapper for input tensors, a target device and additional meta-arguments.
     * @return The resulting tensor produced by this function executing the provided call.
     * @param <T> The type parameter of the tensors wrapped by the provided call.
     * @param <D> The type parameter of the device targeted by the provided call.
    default <T, D extends Device<T>> Tensor<T> call(Call<D> call ) {
        return (Tensor<T>) execute( call ).getMut().setIsIntermediate(false);

     *  Use this to pass more context information for execution of input tensors. This is
     *  important when interfacing with more complex types of operations, requiring more fine-grained control
     *  over the execution.
     *  This method is functionally identically to {@link #call(Call.Builder)}, however it is best used
     *  in Kotlin, where one can omit the function name entirely and call this {@link Function} directly!
     * @param call A wrapper for input tensors, a target device and additional meta-arguments.
     * @return The resulting tensor produced by this function executing the provided call.
     * @param <T> The type parameter of the tensors wrapped by the provided call.
     * @param <D> The type parameter of the device targeted by the provided call.
    default <T, D extends Device<T>> Tensor<T> invoke(Call.Builder<T, D> call ) { return call ); }

     *  <b>Warning: Tensors returned by this method are eligible for deletion when consumed by other functions.</b>
     *  Use this to pass more context information for execution of input tensors. This is important when
     *  interfacing with more complex types of operations, requiring more fine-grained control over the execution.
    default Tensor<?> execute(Call<?> call ) {
            In order to dispatch the user call to the backend we need to
            convert the call to a format compatible with the backend!
            For that we simply need a list of arguments and tensors.
        List<Arg> args = call.allMetaArgs();
        if ( call.getDevice() != null ) args.add(Arg.TargetDevice.of((Device<?>) call.getDevice()));
        Arg<?>[] argArray = new Arg[args.size()];
        for ( int i = 0; i < argArray.length; i++ ) argArray[i] = args.get(i);
        return with(argArray).execute(call.inputs());

     *  Use this to call this {@link Function} alongside with some additional meta-arguments
     *  which will be passed to the underlying {@link Operation}(s).
     * @param arguments A set of arguments you want to supply to this function for further
     *                  control over the execution.
     * @return A simple API for passing the {@link Tensor} arguments and calling this {@link Function}.
    default Callable with( Arg<?>... arguments ) { return with( Args.of( arguments ) ); }

     *  Use this to call this {@link Function} alongside with some additional meta-arguments
     *  which will be passed to the underlying {@link Operation}(s).
     * @param arguments A set of arguments you want to supply to this function for further
     *                  control over the execution.
     * @return A simple API for passing the {@link Tensor} arguments and calling this {@link Function}.
    default Callable with(Args arguments ) {
       tensors -> {
           MemValidator validation = MemValidator.forInputs( tensors, ()-> Result.of(Function.this.execute( arguments, tensors )));
           if ( validation.isWronglyIntermediate() ) {
               throw new IllegalStateException(
                       "Output of function '" + Function.this + "' " +
                       (Function.this.getOperation() != null ? "(" + Function.this.getOperation().getIdentifier() + ") " : "") +
                       "is marked as intermediate result, despite the fact " +
                       "that it is a member of the input array. " +
                       "Tensors instantiated by library users instead of operations in the backend are not supposed to be flagged " +
                       "as 'intermediate', because they are not eligible for deletion!"
           if ( validation.isWronglyNonIntermediate() ) {
               throw new IllegalStateException(
                       "Output of function '" + Function.this + "' " +
                       (Function.this.getOperation() != null ? "(" + Function.this.getOperation().getIdentifier() + ") " : "") +
                       "is neither marked as intermediate result nor a member of the input array. " +
                       "Tensors instantiated by operations in the backend are expected to be flagged " +
                       "as 'intermediate' in order to be eligible for deletion!"
           MemUtil.autoDelete( tensors );
           return validation.getResult().get();

     *  Use this to call this {@link Function} alongside with some additional meta-arguments
     *  which will be passed to the underlying {@link Operation}(s).
     * @param arguments A set of arguments you want to supply to this function for further
     *                  control over the execution.
     * @param tensors The tensors which should be sent through this function.
     * @return The resulting tensor produced by this function.
     * @param <T> The type parameter of the tensors passed to and returned by this function.
    default <T> Tensor<T> call(Args arguments, Tensor<T>... tensors ) {
        return with( arguments ).call( tensors ).getMut().setIsIntermediate(false);

     *  Use this to call this {@link Function} alongside with some additional meta-arguments
     *  which will be passed to the underlying {@link Operation}(s).
     * @param arguments A set of arguments you want to supply to this function for further
     *                  control over the execution.
     * @param inputs The tensors which should be sent through this function.
     * @return The resulting tensor produced by this function.
     * @param <T> The type parameter of the tensors passed to and returned by this function.
    default <T> Tensor<T> invoke(Args arguments, Tensor<T>... inputs ) { return arguments, inputs ); }

     *  <b>Warning: Tensors returned by this method are eligible for deletion when consumed by other functions.</b>
     *  <br>
     *  Use this to call this {@link Function} alongside with some additional meta-arguments
     *  which will be passed to the underlying {@link Operation}(s).
     * @param arguments A set of arguments you want to supply to this function for further
     *                  control over the execution.
     * @param inputs The tensors which should be sent through this function.
     * @return The resulting tensor produced by this function.
    Tensor<?> execute(Args arguments, Tensor<?>... inputs );

     *  <b>Warning: Tensors returned by this method are eligible for deletion when consumed by other functions.</b>
     * @param inputs The tensors which should be sent through this function.
     * @return The resulting tensor produced by this function.
    default Tensor<?> execute(Tensor<?>... inputs ) { return execute( inputs, -1 ); }

     *  <b>Warning: Tensors returned by this method are eligible for deletion when consumed by other functions.</b>
     * @param inputs The tensors which should be sent through this function.
     * @param j The input index used by indexer operations to target a particular input.              
     * @return The resulting tensor produced by this function.
    default Tensor<?> execute(Tensor<?>[] inputs, int j ) { return with(Args.of(Arg.DerivIdx.of(-1), Arg.VarIdx.of(j))).execute(inputs); }

     *  <b>Warning: Tensors returned by this method are eligible for deletion when consumed by other functions.</b>
    default Tensor<?> executeDerive(Tensor<?>[] inputs, int index, int j ) { return with(Args.of(Arg.DerivIdx.of(index), Arg.VarIdx.of(j))).execute(inputs); }

     *  <b>Warning: Tensors returned by this method are eligible for deletion when consumed by other functions.</b>
    default Tensor<?> executeDerive(Tensor<?>[] inputs, int index ) { return executeDerive( inputs, index, -1 ); }

     * @param input The tensor which should be sent through this function.
     * @return The resulting tensor produced by this function.
     * @param <T> The type parameter of the tensor passed to and returned by this function.
    default <T> Tensor<T> call(Tensor<T> input )   { return call( new Tensor[]{ input } ); }

     *  This method is functionally identically to {@link #call(Tensor)}, however it is best used
     *  in Kotlin, where one can omit the function name entirely and call this {@link Function} directly!
     * @param input The tensor which should be sent through this function.
     * @return The resulting tensor produced by this function.
     * @param <T> The type parameter of the tensor passed to and returned by this function.
    default <T> Tensor<T> invoke(Tensor<T> input ) { return call( input ); }
     * @param inputs The list tensors which should be sent through this function.
     * @return The resulting tensor produced by this function.
     * @param <T> The type parameter of the tensors passed to and returned by this function.
    default <T> Tensor<T> call(List<Tensor<T>> inputs ) { return call( inputs.toArray(new Tensor[ 0 ]) ); }

     *  This method is functionally identically to {@link #call(List)}, however it is best used
     *  in Kotlin, where one can omit the function name entirely and call this {@link Function} directly!
     * @param input The tensor which should be sent through this function.
     * @return The resulting tensor produced by this function.
     * @param <T> The type parameter of the tensor passed to and returned by this function.
    default <T> Tensor<T> invoke(List<Tensor<T>> input ) { return call( input ); }

     * @param inputs The tensors which should be sent through this function.
     * @param j The input index used by indexer operations to target a particular input.
     * @return The resulting tensor produced by this function.
     * @param <T> The type parameter of the tensors passed to and returned by this function.
    default <T> Tensor<T> call(Tensor<T>[] inputs, int j )   {
        return (Tensor<T>) execute( inputs, j ).getMut().setIsIntermediate(false);

     *  This method is functionally identically to {@link #call(Tensor[], int)}, however it is best used
     *  in Kotlin, where one can omit the function name entirely and call this {@link Function} directly!
     * @param inputs The tensors which should be sent through this function.
     * @param j The input index used by indexer operations to target a particular input.
     * @return The resulting tensor produced by this function.
     * @param <T> The type parameter of the tensors passed to and returned by this function.
    default <T> Tensor<T> invoke(Tensor<T>[] inputs, int j ) { return call( inputs, j ); }

     * @param inputs The tensors which should be sent through this function.
     * @return The resulting tensor produced by this function.
     * @param <T> The type parameter of the tensors passed to and returned by this function.
    default <T> Tensor<T> call(Tensor<T>... inputs )   {
        return (Tensor<T>) execute( inputs ).getMut().setIsIntermediate(false);

     *  This method is functionally identically to {@link #call(Tensor[])}, however it is best used
     *  in Kotlin, where one can omit the function name entirely and call this {@link Function} directly!
     * @param inputs The tensors which should be sent through this function.
     * @return The resulting tensor produced by this function.
     * @param <T> The type parameter of the tensors passed to and returned by this function.
    default <T> Tensor<T> invoke(Tensor<T>... inputs ) { return call( inputs );             }

     * @param inputs The tensors which should be sent through this function.
     * @param index The index of the input tensor which should be derived.
     * @param j The input index used by indexer operations to target a particular input.
     * @return The resulting tensor produced by this function.
     * @param <T> The type parameter of the tensors passed to and returned by this function.
    default <T> Tensor<T> derive(Tensor<T>[] inputs, int index, int j ) {
        Tensor<T> result = (Tensor<T>) executeDerive( inputs, index, j );
        return result.getMut().setIsIntermediate(false);

     * @param inputs The tensors which should be sent through this function.
     * @param index The index of the input tensor which should be derived.
     * @return The resulting tensor produced by this function.
     * @param <T> The type parameter of the tensors passed to and returned by this function.
    default <T> Tensor<T> derive(Tensor<T>[] inputs, int index ) {
        Tensor<T> result = (Tensor<T>) executeDerive( inputs, index );
        return result.getMut().setIsIntermediate(false);
     * @param inputs The list of tensors which should be sent through this function.
     * @param index The index of the input tensor which should be derived.
     * @param j The input index used by indexer operations to target a particular input.
     * @return The resulting tensor produced by this function.
     * @param <T> The type parameter of the tensors passed to and returned by this function.
    default <T> Tensor<T> derive(List<Tensor<T>> inputs, int index, int j ) { return derive( inputs.toArray( new Tensor[ 0 ] ), index, j ); }
     * @param inputs The list of tensors which should be sent through this function.
     * @param index The index of the input tensor which should be derived.
     * @return The resulting tensor produced by this function.
     * @param <T> The type parameter of the tensors passed to and returned by this function.
    default <T> Tensor<T> derive(List<Tensor<T>> inputs, int index ) { return derive( inputs.toArray( new Tensor[ 0 ] ), index ); }

     *  Turns this function into a string representation which can be used to
     *  reconstruct this function or combine it with other function strings to parse entirely new functions...
     * @return The string representation of this function.
    String toString();

     *  An API for calling a {@link Function} after having specified
     *  a set of {@link Arg} instances through the {@link #with(Args)}
     *  method.
    interface Callable 
         *  This method is functionally identically to {@link Callable#call(Tensor[])}, however it is best used
         *  in Kotlin, where one can omit the function name entirely and call this {@link Function} directly!
         * @param inputs The tensors which should be sent through the owner function of this {@link Callable}.
         * @return The resulting tensor produced by this function.
         * @param <T> The type parameter of the tensors passed to and returned by this function.
        default <T> Tensor<T> invoke(Tensor<T>... inputs ) { return inputs ); }

         * @param inputs The tensors which should be sent through the owner function of this {@link Callable}.
         * @return The resulting tensor produced by this function.
         * @param <T> The type parameter of the tensors passed to and returned by this function.
        default <T> Tensor<T> call(Tensor<T>... inputs ) {
            return (Tensor<T>) this.execute( inputs ).getMut().setIsIntermediate(false);

         *  <b>Warning: Tensors returned by this method are eligible for deletion when consumed by other functions.</b>
         * @param inputs The tensors which should be sent through this function.
         * @return The result from the execution of the provided tensors.
        Tensor<?> execute(Tensor<?>... inputs );
