MIT License
Copyright (c) 2019 Gleethos
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package neureka.ndim.config;
import neureka.Tensor;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.stream.IntStream;
* This interface represents the access pattern configuration for the data array of a tensor.
public interface NDConfiguration
* @return A {@link NDConfiguration} instance which represents the absence of a configuration.
static NDConfiguration none() { return NoOpNDConfig.INSTANCE; }
static NDConfiguration of(
int[] shape, // The shape of the tensor.
int[] strides, // Strides are the distances between elements of a tensor in each dimension.
int[] indicesMap,
int[] spread,
int[] offset
) {
return AbstractNDC.construct(shape, strides, indicesMap, spread, offset);
* Types of common data layouts: <br>
* <ul>
* <p>
* Row major means that row elements are right next to one another
* in the underlying data array of a tensor.
* This is the default layout for tensors.
* </p>
* </li>
* <p>
* Column major means that column elements are right next to one another
* in the underlying data array of a tensor.
* </p>
* </li>
* <p>
* Symmetric means that the tensor can either be interpreted as a row vector or a column vector.
* Row major means that items are stored in a row-wise fashion
* and column major means that items are stored in a column-wise fashion.
* A vector can be interpreted as a row vector or a column vector and thus is symmetric.
* </p>
* </li>
* <p>
* Unspecific means that the tensor is not row major or column major.
* This is the case for tensors which are slices of other tensors or tensors which have been permuted.
* </p>
* </li>
* </ul>
enum Layout
SYMMETRIC, // Both row- and column-major compatible!
UNSPECIFIC; // Possibly a slice or something reshaped/permuted or whatnot...
public boolean isCompatible(Layout other) {
if (this == UNSPECIFIC || other == UNSPECIFIC) return false;
if (this == SYMMETRIC || other == SYMMETRIC) return true;
return this == other;
public int[] newStridesFor(int[] shape) {
int[] order = new int[shape.length];
for ( int i = 0; i < shape.length; i++ )
order[i] = shape.length - 1 - i;
if ( this == COLUMN_MAJOR && shape.length > 1 ) {
// Swap the first two elements of the order array:
int tmp = order[0];
order[0] = order[1];
order[1] = tmp;
int[] strides = new int[shape.length];
int prod = 1;
if ( this == COLUMN_MAJOR || this == ROW_MAJOR || this == UNSPECIFIC || this == SYMMETRIC) {
for ( int i : order ) {
strides[i] = prod;
prod *= shape[i];
} else
throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown data layout!");
return strides;
public int[] rearrange(int[] tln, int[] shape, int[] newForm) {
int[] shpTln = this.newStridesFor(shape);
int[] newTln = new int[newForm.length];
for (int i = 0; i < newForm.length; i++) {
if (newForm[i] < 0) newTln[i] = shpTln[i];
else if (newForm[i] >= 0) newTln[i] = tln[newForm[i]];
return newTln;
* The layout of most tensors is either row major or column major.
* Row major means that row elements are right next to one another
* in the underlying data array of a tensor.
* Column major is the exact opposite...
* A tensor can also be symmetric, meaning it supports both column major and row major (scalar tensors have this property).
* Other than that there are also tensors which are unspecific, meaning they are not row major or column major.
* This is the case for tensors which are slices of other tensors or tensors which have been permuted.
* @return The layout of the underlying data array of a tensor.
default Layout getLayout() {
if ( !this.isCompact() ) // Non-compact tensors have at least 1 step/spread greater than 1 AND at least 1 offset greater than 0!
return Layout.UNSPECIFIC;
else {
int[] stridesRM = Layout.ROW_MAJOR.newStridesFor(this.shape());
boolean hasRMIndices = Arrays.equals(stridesRM, indicesMap());
boolean isRM = (Arrays.equals(stridesRM, strides()) && hasRMIndices);
int[] stridesCM = Layout.COLUMN_MAJOR.newStridesFor(this.shape());
boolean isCM = (Arrays.equals(stridesCM, strides()) && hasRMIndices);
if ( isRM && isCM ) return Layout.SYMMETRIC;
if ( isRM ) return Layout.ROW_MAJOR;
if ( isCM ) return Layout.COLUMN_MAJOR;
return Layout.UNSPECIFIC;
default List<NDTrait> getTraits() { return NDTrait.traitsOf(this); }
default boolean has( NDTrait trait ) { return NDTrait.traitsOf(this).contains(trait); }
* This method returns the number of axis of
* a nd-array / {@link Tensor} which is equal to the
* length of the shape of an nd-array / {@link Tensor}.
* @return The number of axis of an nd-array.
int rank();
default int size() { return Arrays.stream(shape()).reduce(1, (a, b) -> a * b); }
* This method returns an array of axis sizes.
* @return An array of axis sizes.
int[] shape();
* This method receives an axis index and return the
* size of the axis.
* It enables readable access to the shape
* of this configuration.
* @param i The index of the axis whose size ought to be returned.
* @return The axis size targeted by the provided index.
int shape( int i );
* If one wants to for example access the fourth last item of all items
* within a tensor based on a scalar index <i>x</i> then the {@link #indicesMap()}
* is needed as a basis for translating said scalar index <i>x</i> to an array of indices
* for every axis of the tensor represented by this {@link NDConfiguration}.
* @return An array of values which are used to map an index to an indices array.
int[] indicesMap();
* This method receives an axis index and return the
* indices mapping value of said axis to enable readable access to the indices map
* of this configuration.
* If one wants to for example access the fourth last item of all items
* within a tensor based on a scalar index <i>x</i> then the {@link #indicesMap()}
* is needed as a basis for translating said scalar index <i>x</i> to an array of indices
* for every axis of the tensor represented by this {@link NDConfiguration}.
* @param i The index of the axis whose indices map value ought to be returned.
* @return The indices map value targeted by the provided index.
int indicesMap( int i );
* The array returned by this method is used to translate an array
* of axis indices to a single ata array index.
* It is used alongside {@link #spread()} and {@link #offset()}
* by the {@link #indexOfIndices(int[])} method.
* @return An array of values used to translate the axes indices to a data array index.
int[] strides();
* This method receives an axis index and returns the
* translation value for the targeted axis.
* It enables readable and fast access to the translation
* of this configuration.
* @param i The index of the axis whose translation ought to be returned.
* @return The axis translation targeted by the provided index.
int strides( int i );
* The spread is the access step size of a slice within the n-dimensional
* data array of its parent tensor.
* @return An array of index step sizes for each tensor dimension / axis.
int[] spread();
* The spread is the access step size of a slice within the n-dimensional
* data array of its parent tensor.
* Use this to look up the spread in a particular dimension / axis.
* @param i The dimension / axis index of the dimension / axis whose spread should be returned.
* @return The spread of the targeted dimension.
int spread( int i );
* The offset is the position of a slice within the n-dimensional
* data array of its parent tensor.
* Use this to get the offsets of all slice dimension.
* @return The offset position of the slice tensor inside the n-dimensional data array of the parent tensor.
int[] offset();
* The offset is the position of a slice within the n-dimensional
* data array of its parent tensor.
* Use this to look up the offset in a particular dimension / axis.
* @param i The dimension / axis index of the dimension / axis whose offset should be returned.
* @return The offset of the targeted dimension.
int offset( int i );
* Use this to calculate the true index for an element in the data array (data array index)
* based on a provided "virtual index", or "value array index".
* This virtual index may be different from the true index depending on the type of nd-array,
* like for example if the nd-array is
* a slice of another larger nd-array, or if it is in fact a permuted version of another nd-array.
* This virtual index ought to be turned into an index array which defines the position for every axis.
* Then this indices array will be converted into the final and true index targeting an underlying item.
* The information needed for performing this translation is expressed by individual implementations of
* this {@link NDConfiguration} interface, which contain everything
* needed to treat a given block of data as a nd-array!
* @param index The virtual index of the tensor having this configuration.
* @return The true index which targets the actual data within the underlying data array of an nd-array / tensor.
int indexOfIndex( int index );
* The following method calculates the axis indices for an element in the nd-array array
* based on a provided "virtual index".
* The resulting index defines the position of the element for every axis.
* @param index The virtual index of the tensor having this configuration.
* @return The position of the (virtually) targeted element represented as an array of axis indices.
int[] indicesOfIndex( int index );
* The following method calculates the true index for an element in the data array
* based on a provided index array.
* @param indices The indices for every axis of a given nd-array.
* @return The true index targeting the underlying data array of a given nd-array.
int indexOfIndices( int[] indices );
* This method returns an array of flattened arrays which
* define this nd-configuration in a compact manner.
* The array consists of the following arrays joined
* in the following order:
* [ shape | translation | indicesMap | offsets | spreads ]
* @return An array of flattened arrays which define this nd-configuration in a compact manner.
default int[] asInlineArray() {
int rank = rank();
int[] inline = new int[rank * 5];
//config format: [ shape | translation | indicesMap | offsets | spreads ]
System.arraycopy(shape(), 0, inline, rank * 0, rank); //=> SHAPE
System.arraycopy(strides(), 0, inline, rank * 1, rank); //=> TRANSLATION (translates n-dimensional indices to an index)
System.arraycopy(indicesMap(), 0, inline, rank * 2, rank); //=> INDICES MAP (translates scalar to n-dimensional index)
System.arraycopy(offset(), 0, inline, rank * 3, rank); //=> SPREAD / STRIDES (step size for dimensions in underlying parent tensor)
System.arraycopy(spread(), 0, inline, rank * 4, rank); //=> OFFSET (nd-position inside underlying parent tensor)
return inline;
int hashCode();
boolean equals( NDConfiguration ndc );
* This method enables reshaping for {@link NDConfiguration} implementation instances.
* Because {@link NDConfiguration}s are in essence things which define
* the access relationship from shape indices to the actual underlying data,
* the creation of permuted {@link NDConfiguration} is up to a specific implementation.
* @param newForm An array of indices which define how the axis ought to be rearranged.
* @return A new {@link NDConfiguration} which carries the needed information for the permuted view.
NDConfiguration newReshaped( int[] newForm );
* The boolean returned by this method simply reports
* if this configuration is the most basic form of configuration
* possible for the given shape represented by this instance.
* This type of configuration is the typical for freshly created
* tensors which are neither slices nor permuted variants of an
* original tensor...
* Therefore, such "simple tensors" do not need a fancy {@link neureka.ndim.iterator.NDIterator}
* in order to perform operations on them.
* One can simply iterate over their underlying data array.
* (This does not mean that the tensor owning this {@link NDConfiguration} is not a slice!)
* @return The truth value determining if this configuration is not modeling more complex indices like permuted views or slices...
default boolean isSimple() {
int[] simpleTranslation = this.getLayout().newStridesFor(this.shape());
return Arrays.equals(this.strides(), simpleTranslation)
Arrays.equals(this.indicesMap(), simpleTranslation)
* {@link NDConfiguration} instance where this flag is true
* will most likely not be slices because they have no offset (all 0)
* and a compact spread / step array (all 1).
* @return The truth value determining if this configuration has no offset and spread/steps larger than 1.
default boolean isCompact() {
IntStream.range(0, this.rank()).allMatch( i -> this.spread(i) == 1 || this.spread(i) == 0 )
IntStream.range(0, this.rank()).allMatch(i -> this.offset(i) == 0);
* @return The truth value determining if this {@link NDConfiguration}
* represents virtual tensors (see {@link Tensor#isVirtual()}).
default boolean isVirtual() { return false; }
* @return A function which can map tensor indices to the indices of its data array.
default IndexToIndexFunction getIndexToIndexAccessPattern() { return this::indexOfIndex; }
* Implementations of this are produced and returned by the {@link #getIndexToIndexAccessPattern()}
* and their purpose is to translate the item index of a tensor to the index of the
* item within the underlying data array of said tensor.
interface IndexToIndexFunction {
int map( int i );
* This utility class provides static methods which are helpful
* for nd-configuration related operations like reshaping,
* incrementing or decrementing index arrays...
class Utility {
public static int[] rearrange(int[] array, int[] pointers) {
int[] newShp = new int[pointers.length];
for (int i = 0; i < pointers.length; i++) {
if (pointers[i] < 0) newShp[i] = Math.abs(pointers[i]);
else if (pointers[i] >= 0) newShp[i] = array[pointers[i]];
return newShp;
public static void increment(int[] indices, int[] shape) {
int i = shape.length - 1;
while (i >= 0 && i < shape.length) i = _incrementAt(i, indices, shape);
private static int _incrementAt(int i, int[] indices, int[] shape) {
if (indices[i] < shape[i]) {
if (indices[i] == shape[i]) {
indices[i] = 0;
} else i = -1;
} else i--;
return i;
public static void decrement(int[] indices, int[] shape) {
int i = shape.length - 1;
while (i >= 0 && i < shape.length) i = _decrementAt(i, indices, shape);
private static int _decrementAt(int i, int[] indices, int[] shape) {
if (indices[i] >= 0) {
if (indices[i] == -1) {
indices[i] = shape[i] - 1;
} else i = -1;
} else i--;
return i;
public static int sizeOfShape( int[] shape ) {
int size = 1;
for (int i : shape) size *= i;
return size;